
?晓高? 2024-06-04 14:38:15
china vanke co., ltd. ** currently the largest property developer l**ted in the peoples republic of china (“prc). in 2007, china vanke had 3,068 employees wo**ng on more than 100 major building programmes in 26 cities, classified into some 230 projects. the company completed construction of over 4.4 million square meters of housing developments, up 36 percent from 2006. every project cons**ts of many hundreds of tasks relating to multiple functional activities such as land purchasing, design, construction & engineering, marketing & sales, customer service, and ** relations. when it comes to project management, traditionally, china vanke’s management relied he**ily on verbal project updates and desktop spreadsheets. th** was a labour intensive task for time-stressed project managers and therefore, poor project **rmation impaired good governance. it was also difficult to implement common methods, plan resources effectively or predict cash requirements accurately. with rapid growth, effective project management demanded more soph**ticated reporting and controls. china vanke co., ltd. ** principally engaged in the real estate industry. headquartered in shenzhen, guangdong province, the company develops residential buildings in 19 cities throughout china and provides property management services. during the year ended december 31, 2007, the company sold out approximately 6.1 million square meters of properties.the company's operation covers the pearl river delta region, compr**ed of shenzhen, guangzhou, foshan, zhongshan and dongguan; the yangtze river delta region, cons**ting of shanghai, suzhou, hangzhou, nanjing, wuxi and nanchang; huan bohai region, including beijing, tianjin, shenyang, anshan, changchun and dalian, and other cities, including wuhan and **. as of december 31, 2007, the company had 11 wholly owned subsidiaries.company profile of china vanke co., ltd.establ**hed in may 1984, china vanke co., ltd. (“china vanke” or the “company”) ** currently the largest residential property developer in the people’s republic of china (“prc”). in 2006, china vanke real**ed sales revenue of rmb21.23 billion, booked revenue of rmb17.67 billion, net profit of rmb2.15 billion and tax payment of rmb2.42 billion. as the end of 2006, the total assets and net assets of the company were rmb48.51 billion and rmb14.88 billion respectively.first engaged in the residential property industry in 1988, china vanke set the development of mass market residential property development as its core business in 1993. in 2006, its operations spanned across more than 20 cities in three major economic circles, namely the pearl river delta, yangtze river delta and bohai-rim region. up to the present, china vanke has built homes for over 90,000 families in the prc and become the first nationally renowned trademark in the prc property industry, the second company l**ted on the shenzhen stock exchange in 1991, china vanke had the largest market capital**ation of rmb67.23 billion at the end of 2006 on the shenzhen stock exchange. since the company’s l**ting, the compound annual growth rate of its revenue from core operations was 28.3% and that of its net profit was 34.1%. china vanke also enjoyed the longest period of sustained profit growth after l**ting in the prc. named twice as one of the “international best small companies” by forbes, the company received the awards of “best corporate governance” and “best investor relations” from internationally renowned media such as investor relations magazine, and asiamoney. thanks to its excellent corporate governance and high ethics codes, the company was selected as one of “china’s most respected enterpr**es” for five consecutive years and received the award of “china’s best corporate citizen” for three consecutive years.万科简介 万科企业股份有限公立于1984年5月,是目前**最大的专业住宅开发企业。2006年,公司销售收入212.3亿元,结算收入176.7亿元,净利润21.5亿元,纳税24.2亿元。至2006年末,公司总资产485.1亿元,净资产148.8亿元。 万科1988年进入住宅行业,1993年将大众住宅开发确定为公司核心业务,2006年业务覆盖到以珠三角、长三角、环渤海三大城市经济圈为重点的二十多个城市。迄今为止,万科共为九万多户**家庭提供了住宅,“万科”也成为行业第一个全国驰名商标。万科1991年成为深圳证券交易所第二家上市公司,2006年末总市值为672.3亿元,排名深交所上市公司第一位。上市16年来,万科主营业务收入复合增长率为28.3%,净利润复合增长率为34.1%,是上市后持续盈利增长年限最长的**企业。公司在发展过程中两次入选福布斯“全球最佳小企业”;多次获得《投资者关系》、《亚洲货币》等国际权威媒体评出的最佳公司治理、最佳投资者关系等奖项。凭借公司治理和道德准则上的表现,公司连续五年入选“**最受尊敬企业”,连续三年获得“**最佳企业公民”称号。 20210311

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