
芒果TV 2024-06-26 12:47:52
鄂 州 市 2009 年 中 考 模 拟 试 题英 语 (命题人:陈盛中学 刘冬奎)第二部分 语言知识运用ii.单项选择:21.—has he returned the library book yet? ----not yet. don’t worry. he ___it soon. a. returned b. has returned c. will return d. returns22. –sorry, mr green. i __ my engl**h book at home. ---that’s ok, but don’t forget next time.a. forgot b. forget c. left d. kept23.—would you please help me with the question? --- sorry, you ___ go and ask mary. she ___ know the answer. a. must, can b. can, may c. need, can d. must, may24.—paul suggested seeing the wild animals. i ____ tigers, so i didn’t go. ---what a pity! a. was mad at b. was angry with c. was terrified of d. was afraid to25.—how h**e you been recently? ---so far, so good. i’ve ___ my own company. a. put out b. put on c. put off d. put up26—why did you come to school late th** morning? ----______ i watched the football world cup until 12 o’clock last night. a. if b. because c. since d. though27.—if a=3, b=4,what’s the answer to the question a+2ab+1=? -----_______.a. twenty—eighth b. twenty—eight c. thir** d. eigh**.28.—nowadays the old should ____ in our society. -----yes, i think so.a. be taken good care b. be taken good care of c. be taken well care d. take good care of29.—how ** he getting on with h** spoken engl**h? ----great. now he can speak engl**h -__ h** engl**h teacher. a. as good as b. as better as c. as many as d. as well as30.—why did m**s wang look so worried when we saw her? ----because she wondered_____. a. where did the other students go. b. when would the policeman come c. what her students h**e done during the trip d. if her students had survived the earthquake31.—let me help ____ carry the box. ---no, thanks. i can do it by_____.a. you, my b. your, me c you, myself d. you, mine32.—may i h**e another cake? ----you’d better not. you shouldn’t go swimming on a ___ stomach. a. hot b. hungry c. fat d. full33.—oh, there **n’t enough ___ for us in the lift. --- no hurry. let’s wait for the next. a. ground b. floor c. room d. space34.—who told you to clean the window? ----father ____. he said they are too dirty. a. told b. did c had told d. has told35.—which city ** the one____ there ** a large man-made lake? ---liao cheng. a. that b. which c. where d. whatiii.完型填空。many people go to school for education. they learn languages, h**tory, math and 36 subjects. others go to school to learn skills to make a living. schools education ** very important and useful. yet, no one can learn 37 from school. even a very good teacher can’t teach h** students everything they want to know. the teacher’s job ** to show h** students how 38 . he teaches them how to read and how to think. so, many things will be learned 39 school by the students themselves. it ** always more important to know how to study by students 40 than to remember some formulas (公式). it ** very easy to learn a formula in math, but it ** hard to use a formula in 41 a math problem. great scient**ts 42 us didn’t get everything from school. their teachers only showed them the way. ed**on didn’t 43 fin**h primary school, but he was so successful. he invented so many things for human beings. they were successful 44 they knew how to study. they read books that were not taught at school. they would ask many questions as they read. they did 45 experiments (实验). they worked hard all their lives and never wasted time. the most important thing was that they knew how to use their brain.( )36. a. any other b. some other c. others d. the other( )37. a. something b. anything c. nothing d. everything( )38. a. learning b. learned c. to learn d. learn( )39. a. outside b. out c. for d. at( )40. a. himself b. herself c. oneself d. themselves( )41. a. wo**ng on b. wo**ng out c. thinking about d. understanding( )42. a. before b. behind c. after d. in the front of( )43. a. but b. and c. still d. even( )44. a. why b. so c. because d. though( )45. a. thousands b. thousands of c. thousand of d. many thousands36-40 bdcad 41-45 badcbiv.阅读理解: improve on sleepgood health needs good sleep. going to bed before you’re tired. not eating or reading in bed. go to bed at the same time before midnight and get up at the same time. your body likes routine(常规)for a good night’s sleep. stay free of flustudents show that a cold or flu virus(病毒) can live on our hands for long. so wash all parts of your hands often with soap and water. for more ways to stop the spread of flu, please call healthline at 1800 848 1313oral(口腔) healthbrush your teeth twice daily and v**it the dent**t at least once a year. the mouth ** a mirror of d**ease(疾病). the oral examination(检查) ** not only for the health of teeth, but the whole body. for more of it , please v**it au fit for lifestudies h**e shown that many d**eases h**e something to do with less or no physical(身体) activity. try to do it for 30 minutes a day,5 days or more a week. for more **rmation, please call healthline at 1800 438 200071. if you want to get a good sleep, you’d better__________.a. go to bed after you’re tired b. go to sleep at midnightc. follow the bedtime routine d. eat something or read in bed72.to stop from catching a cold or flu(流感), it’s good for you _________. a. to clean your fingers often b. to brush your teeth twice dailyc. to get up early every morning d. to wash all parts of your hands.73.you should v**it the dent**t at least once a year, because__________.a. the oral examination ** necessary b. you don’t often brush your teethc. some d**eases may be in the mirror d. you don’t h**e a good night’s sleep74.studies h**e shown that many d**eases h**e something to do with ________.a. h**ing no oral examination b. washing hands with cold water c. sleeping too late sometimes d. doing little physical activity75.when you want to learn more about the flu, you can ________.a. v**it au b. call healthline at 1800 848 1313c. v**it the dent**t in your place d. call healthline at 1899 438 200071—75 cdadbmany children use the internet to get useful knowledge and **rmation, and to relax in their free time. but some of them are not using it in a good way .here are some rules to make sure you are safe and h**e fun on the internet . make rules for internet use with your parents .for example, when you can go on line, for how long and what activities you can go on line. don’t give your password (密码) to anyone else ,and never give out the following **rmation ---your real name , home address ,age ,school ,phone number or other personal **rmation.  check with your parents before giving out a credit card (**) number . never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it’s ok. check with your parents before going into a chat room. different chat rooms h**e different rules and attract different kinds of people .you and your parents will want to make sure it’s a right place for you. never agree to meet someone you met on the internet without your parents’ perm**sion ( 允许). never meet anyone you met on line alone.  always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. treat everyone online as strangers. if something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, le**e the site. tell a parent or teacher right away. treat other people as you’d like to be treated. never use bad language. remember –not everything you read on the internet ** true.( ) 51. the writer tells children to_________. a. send their photos to him b. make rules for internet use with parents c. believe everything they read on the internet d. give out their personal **rmation.( ) 52. it’s good for children to_______ on the internet. a. give password to others b. get useful knowledge and **rmation c. give out a credit card number d. go into a chat room as they’d like to ( ) 53. what shouldn’t be done when you are on line? a. using bad language. b. sending **s and e-mails. c. le**ing the site if you feel uncomfortable d. treating everyone online as strangers ( ) 54.if your parents don’t agree, never_______. a. read anything on the internet b. relax in your free time c. h**e a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online d. treat other people as you’d like to be treated( ) 55. the best title for th** passage ** “_______”. a. how to use computers b. surfing on the internet c. **rmation on the internet d. internet safety rule**bacdone thing that brit**h and chinese cultures share ** a love for fine tea. today, when we think of western tea culture, we often think of the engl**h and beautiful china tea cups.afternoon teapeople believe that an engl**h lady, anna, first introduced the idea of afternoon tea. in the 18th and 19th centuries, the engl**h ate only two main meals each day—breakfast and a he**y supper that would last for several hours in the evening. as a result, people often got very hungry during the long wait between these two meals. to solve th** problem, anna came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five o’clock. th** meal included cakes and sandwiches, and tea was served to wash down the food. in order to make th** afternoon meal important, fine china cups and plates, and sliver teapots, knives, forks and spoons were used. soon, afternoon tea parties became popular social occasions. today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life in modern britain.will you come for coffee? coffee also has an important role in brit**h culture. people often use the words “will you come for coffee?” to mean “would you like to come to my home for a chat(聊天)?” normally, several different drinks such as tea, hot chocolate or a soft drink like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what you would like. however, you will not normally be served wine at a “coffee” party.coffeehouses and the london stock exchange in the 17th century london, coffeehouses were busy and no**y places. businessmen and bankers went to coffeehouses to do their business, as well as to drink coffee. in fact, the london stock exchange(股票交易所)** believed to h**e started from these coffeehouses.( ) 56. anna introduced the idea of drinking afternoon tea because she . a. enjoyed chatting with her friends at home b. loved fine tea and beautiful china tea cups c. wanted to share nice food with her friends d. found people felt hungry during the long wait between the two meals( ) 57. what does “social occasions” mean in chinese? a. 集体婚礼 b. 社交活动 c. 社区表演 d. 公共场合( ) 58. if someone says to you “will you come for coffee?”, you . a. will be offered coffee only b. are asked what you would like to drinkc. will be asked to h**e a chat with him or her d. are invited to take part in an afternoon tea party( ) 59. from the last paragraph we can see .a. a new business was started in coffeehouses b. coffeehouses are still used by businessmen and bankersc. businessmen and bankers went to coffeehouses just for coffeed. most people wouldn’t like to go to coffeehouses because of the no**e( ) 60. which ** the best title of the article? a. brit**h and chinese cultures b. the beginning of tea and coffee c. coffeehouses and business d. engl**h tea and coffee culturecaddbhi.my name ** chr**tina baum.i’m a four**-year-old german student.i’m writing to tell you about an experiment we are doing at school with our science teacher.at the beginning of th** school year,frau keller showed us films and we read articles about problems in the environment. one day she said.“i want to know what you think.please don’t tell me what we should do or must do.(61)tell me what each of you will do to protect the environment.” she asked us to choose a topic.make a weekly plan and tell the class about(62) it.then we had to do things to be“green”and write a report about our success.some students said that they thought it was impossible for a single person to contribute to the protection of the environment.someone else said that scient**ts should work harder to find new ways to produce energy. frau keller said that it ** everyone’s job to care for the health of the planet.(63after the first week everybody in class was excited about the project and wanted to continue to improve their results.someone suggested telling the other classes in the school.now all 768 students at hermann stein school are wo**ng on the project.at the end of the year,our class will write a report about what we h**e done. (64)下星期我将会考虑怎样不会浪费水或者污染水.i’m planning to try and use less water every day,and also not use so much of the things that make it dirty.every time i turn on the tap(水龙头)i must think about how much water and soap i use.将61改为简单句。62题的it 代指什么。将63翻译成汉语。将64翻译成英语。65用一个英文句子概括短文的主旨,并作为标题。v完成句子。66.h** s**ter sings well. she has a _____(please) voice.67. someday you’ll find a foreign language a bridge to a lot of ______(know).68. yesterday, she ______(make) to fin**h all the work in a short time by h** boss.69. look, a drunk man _______(lie) on the ground.70. you may be _____(worry) if you are in trouble and h**e no one to help you. (worry)71. mike can still remember _____(give) a bike as a present on h** 18 th birthday.72.lily told us a ______(surpr**e)piece of news.73. — are you going to terry’s birthday party? — yes, i will if i _________(invite).74. she won’t go to the cinema if she__________ (not fin**h)the work tomorrow75. they _______(chat) online when amy came up the stairs.vi.补全对话。根据语境,用恰当的语言完成对话。a:what do you often do in the evening, bill?b:i usually read news**s and watch tv every evening.a:75.________________________________________?b:news reports and sports shows. how about you, clare?a:unfortunately in the evening i h**e lots of work to do. i’m always busy and i h**e very little time to watch tv. 76.________________________________________.b:do you read everything in the news**?a:no, i hate the ads in the news**.b:so do i. i think they are so boring. maybe we can only l**ten to the radio.a:77.________________________________________b:right, it’s the same as tv. you needn’t read the ads in the news**, but you can’t **oid them on tv or on the radio.a:either you turn them off, or you h**e to put up with(忍受) the ads.b:i agree with you.75.what programs do you usually watch? 76.so i sometimes read news**s. 77.but there are also many ads on the radio.七、书面表达(共l题;满分15分)李红是某校八年级(1)班一名新转入的外地学生。几个星期来,老师和同学们对她的关心和帮助让她倍感温暖,使她逐渐适应了新的学习和生活环境。假如你是李红,请你根据下面表中的提示语写一则日记,叙述这几个星期以来他们对你各方面的关心、帮助以及你的感受和愿望。生活方面 1. 同学们从家中带来当地可口的食物给我吃;2. 同学们带我参观校园,周末邀请我到他们家做客;3. 下午放学后,同学们经常带我去操场跑步、打排球。思想方面 老师、同学们找我谈心,和我交朋友。学习方面 ……感受和愿望 ……注意:1. 词数:80个左右 (日记开头已给出的内容不计入总词数); 2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;3. 条理清楚、语句连贯; 4. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。20th june my teachers and classmates h**e helped me a lot since i came here. they brought __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20210311

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