
Wedding Bus 官方 2024-06-23 19:45:37
in the lobby of the practice in these days, give me the greatest inspiration ** as long as their master basic business, with a smile and sincere to meet every customer, they will be true to you. if you doubt, patience to them they will say "thank you!" every time i see customer's smile on h** face and said, "thank you," the brief words, my heart will feel special, it was warm and happy that can help to others, for others to troubleshoot ** a how happy thing! however, not all of the customers are good temper, sometimes some guest was not in a good mood, talk, even if you compare to him with smile, he will also ignored and if business processing well enough to break into a furious rage, also in the hall shouted shouting. th** time, they don't follow it d**couraged not the best way ** to remain silent or turn to director or reception**t. with the society in the process of crowd contact, i learned to use smiles to meet different people, to each customer with different attitude and style to treat. for example, treat the patient must be very old, whether they are to fund or check pas**ook deposit, and we must actively meet up, even if it ** easy to walk; they rest helped and the young man was different treatment, some customers yourself clear oneself to handle business need to fill in any form or slip, we don't h**e to worry about it too much to explain th** aspect of the problem, but ** mainly responsible for the business will lead to automatic machines shunt, in order to achieve the goal line pressure relief, for some special groups ** particularly to care and help, especially women and d**abled or handle emergencies and urgent business personnel, for these people to the priority principle, for it will take care of them and do not affect other normal business.although at icbc's time ** not long, but here you are used in books and school to learn and beyond, both the psychological experience and the person of philosophy. in the place all to me very well, whether director, cabinet, security, cleaning personnel or securities company and the yangtze river of insurance company, brothers and s**ters, they would like family friendly cares, whether in business or in communicative mannered are given me great help and teaching, i benefited in daily bit by bit, i learned bears all things, know the love and forgiveness.through the practice, but let me for commercial bank of a certain understanding of the basic business, can carry on the basic of the hall, i feel operation in other aspects of the harvest ** very big. as one has lived in pure university campus, the internship, i doubt i become a platform, before the society for my future into social laid a foundation.first of all, i think the school and unit of a great difference ** after entering society must h**e a strong sense of responsibility. in the work, we must h**e a strong sense of responsibility, must be responsible for their jobs, to its own business. if not fin**h the work, it should h**e done just must work overtime employees, if you are not careful m**taken, but cannot recover monies, it must be responsible for compensation by the agent himself.secondly, i think the job after everyone must stick to their professional ethics, and strive to improve their professional qualities, ** a line of line to understand stock-in-trade. at th** point i from internship colleagues there h**e experience greatly. for example, some business to handle id, although the client may be, they will also require other **s, and when each other, they also h**e d**played always patient to explain why you must do so. in the bank clerk wo**ng attitude problems, for example: ** particularly important in treating customers attitude, first ** must use honorific, such as "hello, please sign your name, please take care", secondly with customers must stand up and transfer data transfers, finally to customers hands of some problems and consulting must patient answer. th** made me realize in real work requirement ** our rigorous and careful work attitude, such ability in their own positions.希望这个翻译对你有帮助~ 20210311

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