apr和effective annual rate 的区别

鹿鹿? 2024-06-06 15:09:29
您好,1. nominal (stated) annual interest rate or annual percentage rate (apr) the stated annual rate without considering the effect of compounding2. effective annual interest rate (ear) or effective annual yield (eay) the annual rate after considering the effect of compounding ear=apr if interest ** compounded annually; otherw**e, ear > aprexample: if apr ** 6% compounded monthly, what ** the ear? (1+.06/12)12 –1 = .061678 = 6.1678 percent if a bank changes 6 percent annual interest, but th** interest ** compounded monthly, then the actual interest charge ** 6.1678 percentusing the baii+ calculator to change nominal to effective annual rate:step 1: hit 2nd button (grey), then hit the conv (the number 2) buttonstep2: hit the down arrow button until you see “nom=”step 3: enter 6 and then hit the enter or set buttonstep 4: hit the down arrow button until you see “c/y”step 5: enter 12 and then hit the enter or set button step 6: hit the down arrow button until you see “eff =” final step: hit the cpt button. answer **: 6.1678% 20210311

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