
海峰 2024-12-22 17:20:06
下面只是参考!有些地方有错误! 看我这么辛苦还不给分就伤心拉!美国社会保障制度由社会保险、社会福利、社会救济三部分组成。美国自30年代建立保障制度以来,已形成庞大的社会保障体系,其主要特点是: (1)适时建立和逐步完善社会保障体系。本世纪初,随着工业化的发展、生活水平的提高,在美国引起了人们对老年生活的普遍关注。30年代的经济大萧条,使老年人生活处于最困难境地,社会退休金成了老年人的希望所在。1934年,成立了经济保险委员会,1936年公布了社会保障法,1939年增加了伤残保险和老年配偶。经过几年准备。在积累了一大笔基金后,于1942年付诸实施,开始支付退休金。二次大战中没有新的变动。50年代经济有了很大发展,1965年增加了老人医疗保险,1972年又增加了残废者医疗保险。经过50多年的逐步发展与健全,形成了庞大的社会保障体系。 (2)老年法定退休保险具有强制性、贡献性和福利性,退休和医疗保险基金有正常来源渠道,能自我调整和自我调整。其退休金的收与支是按照现收现付、收支平衡的原则确定的,根据的预测、退休费支出的需要,不断调整保险税税率,通过自我调整达到自我循环正常运转的目的。 (3)发展保险公司经营的自愿投保退休金保险,吸收闲散资金增强经济实力,为做准备。美国的一些人寿保险公司除经营人寿保险、财产保险、死亡保险外、还大力经营集体和个人自愿投保性质的私人退休金保险,作为法定退休保险的补充。集体退休保险,由企业雇主为雇员投保,根据企业经营好坏和雇员个人情况投保可多可少,雇员退休后逐月领取。**通过对退休保险金免税手段予以支持。并通过投资获取的利润,用来弥补膨胀使投保金额贬值的问题,以保证退休者收入,增强老年人的社会保障感。 (4)严格控制失业救济金发放标准和发放时间,以利于失业者积极再就业。联邦立法规定由企业雇主缴纳失业保险税款,雇员不缴。利率由各州自行确定,全国不统一。救济发放时间,大多数规定需经一周等待期后方可使用,最多支付26周,联邦法规定在失业高峰期可延长合乎法定救济周数的50%,即最多追加13周。严格限制发放周数的目的在于促使失业者积极再就业。 (5)采取措施,增收节支,迎接老龄化的严重挑战。其研究采取的主要措施是:注重研究管理与效率、保障目标与水平问题,逐步提高保险税税率;退休金也要纳入个人所得税范围之内,把负担加在高收入者身上;适当降低各项福利待遇水平,使之不要紧跟工资水平的增长;利用退休基金搞投资经营,增中储备,减少年轻人的社会负担。u.s. social security system by social insurance, social welfare, social relief of three parts. 30, the united states since the establ**hment of security systems since the , has become a huge soc**ecurity act, 1939, an increase of d**ability insurance and old age pension insurance spouse. after several years of preparation. in the accumulation of a large fund, implemented in 1942, began to fund it. world war ii, new changes. 50's ecomy has made significant progress, in 1965 an increase of health insurance for the elderly, in 1972 an increase of d**ability and medical insurance. after 50 years of progressive development of a sound and formed a huge social security system. (2) the statutory old age retirement insurance mandatory, and contribution to the welfare, health insurance and retirement funds are the source of the rmal channels can be self-adjusting and self -i h**e to adjust. pension and received support in accordance with pay, the principle of balance of payments, according to the aging of the population projections, retiree premiums expenditure needs, and constantly adjusting insurance tax rate, through self-adjustment of the normal cycle of self-operation目的. (3) the development of voluntary insurance of insurance companies operating pension insurance, to absorb idle funds to enhance the economic strength to prepare for the aging population desertification. some of the u.s. life insurance company operating in addition to life insurance, property insurance, death insurance, but also strong business collective and individual nature of the voluntary insurance of private pension insurance, retirement insurance as a legal supplement. collective retirementinsurance from employers to insure employees, according to the quality of business and peral circumstances of the insured employees can be less, employees receive a monthly retirement. the ** retirement insurance money tax-free means of support. and by investing profits to make up for inflation so that the depreciation of the insured amount, in order to ensure retirement income, elderly people to enhance a sense of social security. (4) strictly control the payment of unemployment benefits and paid time standards in order to facilitate the active re-employment of the unemployed. federal leg**lation to require employers to pay by the unemployment insurance tax, non-payment of employees. by the states to determine their own interest rates, not national unity. time payment of relief,most of the prov**ions subject to a week waiting period before they could use to pay a maximum of 26 weeks, federal law provides that unemployment was at its peak in line with statutory relief may be extended a few weeks of 50%, that **, up to an additional 13 weeks. strictly limit the **suance of several weeks ** aimed at promoting a positive re-employment of the unemployed. (5) to take measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, to meet the serious challenges of aging. study of its main measures taken are: to study the management and efficiency, security objectives and the level of the problem, gradually increase the insurance tax rate; pension should also be within the scope of peral income tax, the burden on high-income people; appropriate to reduce the the level of benefits so that they do notkeep up the level of wages growth; engage in the use of pension fund investment management, increase in reserves to reduce young people's social burdens 20210311

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