lose a big amount of money 赔了一大笔钱 双语例句 1 do you need a large amount of money?legal counsel?你需要一大笔钱?或是需要一位律师?2 you don't expect to makethe same amount of money that minorities make,do you?你不会以为你和少数民族能拿到一样多的工资吧? 20210311
是老复式的、过时的意思制 一、读音 英['aʊtəv'deɪt] 美['aʊtəv'deɪt] 二、词性意思2113 作为形容词adj,是老式的、过5261时的、落伍的4102的意思。三、1653例句 th** cash reg**ter must h**e come out of the ark. 这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的。四、语法 theory,idea表示过时、落伍...
中文:这不是一个大问题。 语中it做形式主语的部法如下: 一不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时,避免头重脚轻,通常在句首使用形式主语it,而把真正的主语放在句子末尾: ** it necessary to tell h** father everything? 有必要把这一切都告诉他父亲吗? it’s no good sitting up too late. 熬夜没有好处。 it ** qu...
一帮无名小卒和一笔巨资的搭配往往令人可望而不可即.一帮无名小卒撞上一笔横财往往令人羡煞!fry: 一帮年轻或无名之辈individuals, especially young or insignificant persons: “these pampered public school boys . . . had managed to evade the long pr**on sentence...
for the rest of my life的意思是:一生陪你;我的余生;在我有生之年;为我的余生;在我的余生里;读音:[fə(r)ðə rest əv maɪ laɪf] 1.例句:when we land,i go to jail for the rest of my life. 翻译:我们着陆后,我就要到监狱过我的下半辈子。2.例句:i want to remember th** mome...
at the mercy of中文意思:任…摆布,在…前毫无办法;例句cuz we're living at the mercy of a painted riviere?因为我们活在珠宝画般的怜悯之中吗?mercy[英][ˈmɜ:si][美][ˈmɜ:rsi]n.宽容; 怜悯; 幸运; 侥幸; 复数:mercies相关单词:mercymercy例句h**e the gods no mer...