
洋芋。 2024-06-05 19:27:33
mainly in xiaoshan economic and technological development zone enterpr**es from all over the country, and foreign institutions, they will invest in xiaoshan process may involve a variety of legal **sues. according to investors in the habit of thinking will be a need for an independent, or from the investor's lawyer to provide the location of the adv**ory will make investors more confidence. therefore, xiaoshan economic and technological development zone, xiaoshan d**trict, bureau of justice to establ**h a legal services center, the center ** not an independent body, ** a development zone in the needs of investors, the recommended choice for investors. therefore, the legal service centers, throughout the country chosen by influential law firms, as well as hong kong law firms are recommended as a stable object and collaborators. 20210311

  • 请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢大家:
    • 2024-06-05 14:57:28
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    证券投资学原理/principle on security investment 股份公司管理/joint-stock company management 信托和租赁/entrustment&leasing 建筑工程概论/general considerations ...
  • 急!一句话翻译,谢谢!
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  • 帮忙翻译一下!!急,谢谢!!!
    • 2024-06-05 20:25:44
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  • 急求会计英语翻译,谢谢啦
    • 2024-06-05 20:12:24
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    n th** ** some county in the village ja bank as an example, the bank credit business r**k management as the research object, the d**sertation ** divided into four parts for writing: the first part ** ...
  • 帮忙翻译一下,着急啊,谢谢了,
    • 2024-06-05 18:03:17
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    hang zhou yuanc speed reduce ir cop.ltd.杭州yuanc减速机上市有限公司(杭州yuanc减速机投资有限公司)ir,译为上市公司或投资关系(的公司),整理器 speed reduce,译为减速机,减速器
  • 急!!英语翻译~~~迫切!!!谢谢
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  • 求高手翻译,谢谢了!
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    what are you doing? i'm watching stock market.do you buy stocks? yes, what about your stocks? it seems to be a bull market now,most of stocks are increasing.yes, since last year, it ** a bull mark...
  • 急!!求翻译!!谢谢大家~~~!!
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    摘要:医院信息系统运维风险防范的有效进行,需要对运维工作的整个过程进行质量控制,abstract: efficient prevention against r**ks in operation and maintenance of hospital **rmation system involves overall quality control of the operation and mai...
  • 求高手翻译,急需谢谢
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    in may the executive lounge income ** $3649.8, the total cost of the beverage was 4652.23, the total number of 785 people, drinks per capita cost $5.93, the total cost per capita 41.47. the total cost...

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