【payback】是【报仇;报。【payback】是【速度与激情7】中斯坦森在医院出场特别炫酷段插曲。【payback】部分歌词中英文对照i know something you don't 别妄想隐瞒 我无所不知 that's me coming for you 我不会就此善罢甘休 you want war 你挑起战争 we got war 我奉陪到底 we just wanna warn you 我们会给你最后的警告 i know something you don't 别妄想隐瞒 我无所不知 that's me coming for you 我不会就此善罢甘休 you want war 你挑起战争 we got war 我奉陪到底 we just wanna warn you 我们会给你最后的警告 war for war 枪林弹雨 浴血奋战 bodies that hit the ground 血肉横飞 尸横遍野 you ready for us 你已准备好跟我决一死战 cause it's about to go down 是时候背水一战了 push them to the left 声东击西 push them to the right 出奇制胜 load the choppers up 直升机装好** hit them on sight 给他们致命一击 never turning back 血战到底 i've done been to hell and back 我已准备好同归于尽 me, running out of guns? 我 弹尽粮绝? no, never heard of that 前所未闻! i ain't never ran from a gunfight 枪林弹雨 各自为战 th** ** you and me 这就是你我 mano v mano 短兵相接 毫不留情 you damn right 就是这样 你猜对了 don't act like you don't know 不要装作你毫不知情 know what i came for 你清楚我意欲何为 too late to turn back 现在回头为时已晚 th** ** the payback 这就是应得的报应 20210311