
陈茜茜 2024-06-06 22:45:37
科目 engl**h 年级 grade 2 班级 时间 年 月 日课题 unit 5 if you go to the party, you’ll h**e a great time. 课型 new(知识、能力、情感)教 学 目 标 (1) l**tening and speaking methods. (2) communicative approach.(重点、难点)教材分析 key points : let indifficulty : learn the key structures.时序 教学操作过程设计(重点写教师怎么教及学生怎么学,要创造性设计课堂结构和教学模式,要明确呈现教师活动与学生活动) step 1. greeting and rev**iongreeting the class as usual and check the homework.step 2.new words show the new words on the board. teach the new words . read the new words to students and ask students to repeat.let in 允许进入,允许参加jeans: 牛仔库consequence: 结果,后果,因果关系read the first two words to the class and ask them to repeat.for the last one, tell ss in th** unit we’ll learn to talk about consequences.step3 section a draw some pictures on the board and ask ss to talk about what they see in them.t: what ** the boy doing in the first picture?s1: walking.t: that’s correct. he’s walking to school. what are the other students doing?s2: they’re taking the bus to school.t: what’s happening in the second picture?s3: he’s late.t: that’s correct. the boy ** late.t: (pointing to the first picture.) i’m going to talk to th** boy. andy, you should take the bus. you shouldn’t walk to school. if you walk to school, you’ll be late.(class repeat, if you walk to school, you’ll be late.)and write th** sentence on the board.step4 1aactivity ia introduces key vocabulary and provides reading practice using the target language.firs point out the four pictures and get ss to tell what they see.then ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first pictures.sa: i think i’m going to go to the party with karen and ann.**: if you do, you’ll h**e a great time.then h**e ss look at 1a. ask them to match the statements and responses.check the answers. 1-4: d a b cask ss to read each pair of sentences in groups.write the second pair on the board:i think i’m going to wear jeans to party.if you do, the teachers won’t let you in.t: the phrase “let **. in” means “let **. come in”. they won’t let people in without a ticket. (write the sentence on the board.)step 5 1b th** activity provides l**tening practice using the target languang.t: l**ten to the tape. you’ll hear four conversations. each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four statement.(play the recording. students l**ten.)step 6 1c pairworkth** activity provides guided speaking and l**tening practice using the target language.first ask ss to look at the pictures and then make conversations.then h**e two students read the sample dialogue.sa: i think i’m going to stay at home.**: if you do, you’ll be sorry.t: work with your partner please. make a converstion using the things that are happening in the pictures.(at the end ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. they are given little presents if they do the work well.)step 7 summary and homeworktoday we h**e learnt to talk about consequences. we’ve learnt the sentence: if you…, you’ll … do you like to go to the party? do you like to h**e a party in your house? if nobody comes to your party, you’ll be sorry. right?practice the target language and preview the next page.教 学 反 思 20210311

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