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# 2024-06-04 12:48:56
according to the uruguay round's "agreement on textiles and clothing" (agreement on textile and clothes, abbreviations atc), from january 1, 2005, wto member states h**e been formally abol**hed all restrictions on textile quotas, which marks the textile and apparel industry has entered a free trade in the new era, it also implies that textile and apparel trade ** no longer retained as a special exception merchand**e trade restrictions, the textile and garment industry usher in a "post-quota era." with the global textile and garment trade quota abol**hed, a global employment and wealth migration has been kicked off. the world's largest textile and garment producer and exporter in china, on the one hand, as the global textile and garment trade the advent of the post-quota era, the development of the textile and garment export prospects will be even brighter; on the other hand, china's textile apparel products in the main export markets of textile and apparel products h**e higher environmental performance requirements of the developed countries, china's textile and apparel products exported in great quantities will be developed similar products producers a strong challenge, it ** highly developed incurred protector of d**sat**faction with the trade, the development of china's textile and garment industry ** facing major challenges. therefore, the developed countries in the face of the green trade reasonable and unreasonable regulation green trade protection**m, china's textile and garment industries how to upgrade their international competitiveness of the green will be a major topic. at present, the joint efforts of all countries in the world, ** gradually moving international trade liberalization development, but also green barriers h**e gradually evolved into a not ignore the non-tariff trade barriers. it should be noted that although a green barriers hinder the development process of global trade liberalization, developing countries restricting economic development, and hindered exports from developing countries trade negative side, but green trade barriers from another reflection of the consumers of the "green" products consumer trends, reflecting the production, dealers of the world ** called "green w**e" of a positive response, therefore, the rules of the wto, it ** to be protected and encouraged. in face of th** trend, china's textile and garment industry should take active measures to consolidate and enhance china as a global textile and apparel goods production and export country status. th** ** first on the textile and garment industries green barriers to a comprehensive exposition, and then a comprehensive analys** of the impact of green barriers, in th** bas**, and the author of the international competitiveness of green evaluation system on china's textile and garment industries of the evaluation, analys** china's textile and apparel industry, the status, which shows that china deal with green barriers on the importance of th** ** ** a major part of the effective use of the national competitive advantages of china's textile and garment industries enhance the international competitiveness of green possibility and necessity, green upgrade the international competitiveness of the main obstacles, as well as upgrade the international competitiveness of green measures a comprehensive exposition of china's textile and garment enterpr**es for passive situation changes, effective upgrade of china's textile apparel industry to help the competitiveness of green. 20210311

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