guess 的英文简介,关于它的历史,和产品介绍。。。谢谢。。悬赏(100)

钟志勇 2024-06-06 16:16:57
guess小档案  ◆ guess品牌介绍  guess是美国知名的服装品牌。guess靠紧身“梦露式”女性牛仔裤单品起家,后来不断发展,现在guess的产品包括男女时装,童装,泳装,鞋履,钟表,精品配饰,手袋,眼镜,香水,行李箱等。guess于2004年推出了副线marciano,一个以guess的设计概念为本推出的比较精致的、偏女性的、性感的时装品牌。  guess代表着冒险精神、性感以及纯粹的美国风格!好奇、热情和自由的精神是guess的主张。由于最初guess由牛仔服装出发,因此设计的基调一直有西部的风味,在质感的呈现上,则是舒适、自然、和冒险的粗犷感。而后受到流行元素的影响,guess也逐渐有一些贴身性感、简约、都市感的设计出现。随着喜爱guess的消费年龄层逐渐提升,能够出入社交场合和表现个人品味的"guess collection"受到许多人的喜爱,因此,guess决定以设计师marciano为名,将"guess collection"独立出来,成为更高质感的设计师服饰。  代表guess品牌象征的“?”常出现在服装设计中,而倒三角形的布标则常见于牛仔裤的后口袋。guess的银饰品也非常特殊,能够表现出强烈的个人品味。  guess的广告设计亦如另一年轻女装品牌希思黎 (s**ley) 一样,永远充满惊喜及另人拍案叫绝。不少名模由拍摄guess的平面广告出生,当中包括黑珍珠纳奥米·坎贝尔(naomi campbell) 及克劳蒂亚·雪佛 (claudia schiffer),guess的平面广告往往令模特给人留下深刻印象。  guess于世界各地七十多个**均有销售点,guess的专门店更多于一百间,销售柜台更多于一千个。  ◆ guess品牌故事  guess的创始人——marciano兄弟生长在法国一个充满热情的南方地区,法国式的设计与生活型态早已深植心中。marciano兄弟对美国西岸的生活走向亦分外欣赏,于七十年代迁往美国,在加州展开他们的时装梦。  在1980年代初期,服装设计前景暗淡,人们认为牛仔丹宁商品已经是过时的产物。然而,marciano融合欧洲风格和美国的传统精神,重新赋予牛仔商品新面貌,成为一个优雅得体,创新以及不受时间影响的恒久性感代表物。  起初,零售商当时对于guess的产品走向,皆抱着相当大的怀疑,各买家一致认为牛仔单品已经式微,marciano兄弟心中却深信不疑,推出一条名为guess 紧身“梦露式”女性牛仔裤,以性感以及独特的设计风格打拼出了一条崭新理念。  经过长期的交涉,bloomingdale百货终于愿意销售2打的marilynjean,算是对marciano兄弟聊表帮忙之意。结果正如marciano兄弟所料,在几个小时内,商品立即销售一空。marciano兄弟从此便开始建立这个充满法国情怀的美国品牌。这个牛仔商品的新发展,亦让牛仔裤成为一个不受时间影响的时尚代表。  ◆ guess品牌档案  中文名:暂无  英文名:guess  创建年代:1941年  创始人:georges,armand,paul, and maurice marciano 四兄弟  公司总部:美国洛杉矶  ◆ guess官方网站:    英文简介如下:  guess now  the world knows guess. today, it ** one of the most widely recognizable apparel companies across the globe, with over 1,113 guess and guess accessory retail stores worldwide and counting.  a company known for innovative style, guess continues to dress and accessorize the world with fashion-forward apparel, handbags, watches, shoes and more.  “our global store expansion ** possible due to the strength of our brand and our licensee relationships. we h**e long-term relationships with them because we provide a strong brand, marketing and advert**ing worldwide, cons**tent image, clear direction for product, a true global strategy and multiple retail concepts, including guess stores, guess by marciano stores, accessories-only stores and our g by guess stores.” -paul marciano  in 2006, guess celebrated its 25th anniversary. it ** with the same enthusiasm and passion from the beginning that drives the company forward today. one world. one brand.  the brands  guess  adventurous. sexy. all-american with an international flair.  guess by marciano  soph**ticated. feminine. unapologetically sexy.  g by guess  independent. bold. confident. alive. styl**h.  m**sion statement  at guess, we are committed to being a worldwide leader in the fashion industry.  we deliver products and services of uncomprom**ing quality and integrity cons**tent with our brand and our image.  we are committed to l**tening and responding to the needs of our customers, associates, and business partners, and to honoring their individual values.  we are dedicated to personal and professional enrichment through an environment of open communication, teamwork, trust and respect.  we continue to give back to the community, support humanity, and protect the environment as part of our responsibilities.  we remain committed to an entrepreneurial spirit that fuels the growth of our company and increases shareholder value.  through principled leadership, we embrace diversity, and we cultivate strength, pride, and passion to align our personal lives with our professional lives.  heritage  now a global presence, guess got its start with a great pair of jeans.  in 1981, the marcianos founded a small denim company in california. today, guess has grown to be one of the largest and most successful fashion brands in the world. through their innovative design, marketing and d**tribution of fashion lifestyle products, guess has become one of the most widely recognized fashion leaders in the young contemporary women's, men's, kids' and baby markets across the globe.  the marciano brothers were ra**ed in the south of france, a place rooted in  passion and the essence of french style. their love of the american west combined with a european sensibility became the driving force behind the creation of guess.  in the early 1980s denim was dated and lacked a fashion edge. the marcianos saw th** as an opportunity to combine their european style with a traditional american fabric. through their ingenious designs, the marcianos changed the perception of denim forever by creating a line that was sensuous, innovative and timeless. initially, retailers were skeptical and buyers were reluctant to place orders, but the brothers' pers**tence prevailed. bloomingdale's agreed to sell two dozen pairs of jeans as a f**or to the marcianos. their famous 3-zip marilyn jean was so sexy and fresh that within hours the entire stock sold out. the guess label was born. now one of the world's leading brand names, guess continues to push fashion forward throughout the world.  bios  guess continues to be guided by two of the marciano brothers: maurice and paul. both h**e been instrumental to the growth and prosperity of the brand since its inception in 1981. their passion and dedication to the company ** unsurpassed in the fashion industry, and ** an inspiration to all those who h**e the opportunity to work with them.  maurice marciano, chairman, ** truly the motivator behind the company's spirit and unrelenting commitment to superior quality. maurice has overseen the company's revolutionary  overseen the company's revolutionary design direction and monumental growth, from $6 million in revenues in 1982 to an expected $1.6 billion in 2007.  it ** maurice's undeniable sixth sense for fashion design, as well as h** insightful business direction, that has fostered and maintained the integrity of the guess brand concept, as well as the company's dramatic international expansion.  maurice continues to instill the feeling of family into the culture of the company. bringing together people and companies with fascinating and diverse backgrounds, maurice creates a close kinship; one with a passion for creativity that continues to shape the guess brand.  paul marciano, chief executive officer and creative director, ** credited with the v**ion that ** the cornerstone of the guess image, leading to some of the most innovative and ground-breaking icons in the h**tory of advert**ing.  paul's d**cerning style shaped guess from its inception. defined by dramatic photography, h** images invite an emotional response from viewers. guess' advert**ing has received the industry's highest honors, including the clio and designers and art directors awards, assuring guess' place in american pop culture.  guess' successful global expansion ** attributed to paul's role in the development of the domestic and international licensing and export businesses. under h** superv**ion, guess currently has some 21 licensees and ** d**tributed in more than 60 countries. in addition to the worldwide retail business expansion, paul has overseen the company's e-commerce sites:, and  each garment and accessory in the guess collection reflects the unique aesthetic that ** the core of the guess design philosophy. with a d**tinct style created by its first pair of jeans sewn more than two decades ago, guess continues to be an innovator of fashion for the young, daring, and sexy.  philanthropy  over the years, guess? has repeatedly shown "giving back" ** an integral part of the way we do business. contributing positively to our community and the environment ** so important to guess, it was made part of the company's m**sion statement. guess fore.v.e.r. programs (employees volunteering energy/expert**e & resources) such as preparing dinner for families at the ronald mcdonald house, gathering supplies for victims of natural d**asters, or purchasing toys for needy children during the holidays, and retail fundra**ing projects such as our inv**ible children tees and watches benefiting susan g. komen for the cure show the guess brand stands for more than simply a collection of products. it symbolizes our commitment to society. for our customers, it means creating innovative, high quality products. for our employees, it means advancing their professional development and providing access to volunteer opportunities in our community. for the community, it means supporting worthy charitable organizations and activities.  guess foundation  establ**hed in 1994, the guess foundation ** dedicated to positive change in the community. careful attention ** given to the numerous requests for financial ass**tance the guess foundation receives from non-profit organizations. the guess foundation partners with and supports many worthy organizations. to receive funding from the guess foundation, the requesting organization must be:  a 501(c)(3) organization  º federally-recognized nonprofit organization, th** includes public schools, universities, and hospitals  wo**ng on a national or international scale  or located in the greater los angeles area  or a request of greater than $1,500 submitted by a guess employee (if you are an employee requesting an otherw**e qualifying donation for less than $1,500, please submit that request to the community involvement fund c/o susan tenney)  requesting funding for an event at least 8 weeks in advance  or for an ongoing program  able to d**play sustainability of the supported program and provide a f**orable efficiency rating  willing to provide a summary of what the funds will be used for, an explanation of any costs associated with obtaining the funds, and results of the program or events  please fax all proposals & requests to corporate citizenship & philanthropy: (213) 774-7844 20210311

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