in 2008 the global financial cr**** has affected the real economy,china's economy by cr**** ** not small,china's economic growth ** likely to significantly slow the rmb again.
看看吧: demand forecasting and inventory mana gement ** the enterpr**e ** an important part in the production and business oper ation activities, and ** a very core indicat ors for supply chain managemen...
题目:the research of current situation and r**k in insurance funds investing in real estate in chinain recent years, the income of the insurance funds ** increasingly high, but there ** not a standardiz...
the strategic business reorganization project research and designs of th** text to company of b mainly included following several work contentses ofs:environment analys**, the company fixed position,...
abstract: the spread of the global financial cr**** has exposed a number of loopholes in the field of financial regulation and highlights the reform of the global financial regulatory governance mecha...
摘要(abstract)又称提要摘际上对其标准解释为an abbreviated, accurate representation of the contents of adocument without added interpretation or critic**m。其含义文献内容不加以解释或评论并作出准压缩。英文摘要包括正文、标题、作者名字的汉语拼音、关键词。当然有些论文是不包含论文文摘的...
the performance of health insurance fraud and how to prevent translation of the title ah?健康保险欺诈行为的危害巨大,并且随着健康保险的迅速发展,其欺诈手段呈现多样性和复杂性,大大阻碍了我国健康保险事业的发展。 health insurance fraud which ** dangerous, and wit...
完全人工翻译 accompanying with the development of the internet,there derived a new emerged financial services business of internet banking which ** simple and speedy than the ordinary th** **,i wil...