桩检测方面 论文摘要翻译

D. 2024-09-23 02:46:19
低应变反射波**ow strain reflection w**e method桩身完整性检测inspection of pile integrity桩基础|pile foundation高层建筑 high-r**e buildings(分类词汇:环境资源相关 )大型桥梁super-large bridges 深水码头deep water wharf海上石油**offshore oil platform建筑结构building structure施工construction非线性弹性材料nonlinear elastic materials桩基工程质量问题这篇虽然是科技论文,但是我觉得他翻译成“pile foundation quality question”很不妥当,我将他修改成problems of pile foundation quality,,从汉语语法之角度考虑,这里的问题两个字是多余的,去掉更好,你自己看看吧!不确定性因素incertitude factors基桩foundation pile隐蔽性(impercephbility)axial strain轴向应变研究热点research hotspot(也有用point的)桩身缺陷位置 positions of pile defects定性估计 qualitative estimation混凝土强度等级concrete strength gradethe signal of reflected_w**e curve反射波曲线信号工程隐患project concealed harzard一维波动模型one-way fluctuant model控制体(control volume),本构关系 constitutive relationfortran语言编制程序program written in fortran language响应时程曲线波形时程曲线response time h**tory curvepile foundation ** widely used as the main basic structure of high-r**e buildings,super-large bridges,deep water wharf and offshore oil platform. during recent years,there are many bases of pile foundation quality affecting the normal wo**ng and safety of the building structures. pile construction has high impercephbility and whose quality presents many incertitude factors,from an angel of qualitative inspection of the foundation piles, it has important significance for ensuring the quality and safety of foundation pile projects to modify the inspection methods and improving the inspection quality and the reliability of inspection & assessment results,it ** also one of the research hotspots in foundation pile field. the main functions of low strain reflection w**e method ** to inspect the pile integrity, such as the judgment of pile defects positions, the checkout of pile lengths, and the qualitative estimation of the concrete strength grade,the judgment of the pile quality using the signal of reflected_w**e curve accurately, the elimination of the project concealed harzard,and the estimation of foundation pile quality. th** ** studied on the low strain reflection w**e method for measuring of pile integrity made of kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, set up a new one-way fluctuant model to treat the problems of piles made of kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, g**e out a dynamics equation of control volume,and induced the relation between pile axial forces and axial strain using the constitutive relation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, put forward a new calculation method for the fluctuation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, simulated the pile-top speed response time h**tory curve (or d**placement, acceleration) numerically using program written in fortran language, finally the author set up a curve database of the foundation piles ex**ting integrity problem for the integrity inspection of foundation piles in the future. 20210311

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