
小天天 2024-06-02 21:09:01
economic and technological development zone (economic and technological development zone) in a number of cities and regions set aside a series of preferential policies for special economic zones-like areas, introducing advanced foreign technology, capital and management experience to develop high-tech industry, and stimulate the development of other industries. first to set up economic and technological development zone in coastal cities in china, mainly in the development of knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive industries, and later set up across the country. beijing yizhuang economic development zone was approved by the state council in 1994 as the only state-level economic and technological development zone in beijing, ** driving the development of key points and focus of development in the eastern part of beijing. yizhuang economic and technological development zone since it was establ**hed, attracting a lot, from more than 30 countries and regions in the world h**e more than more than 2000 enterpr**es, which accounted for foreign-funded enterpr**es with a total investment of total investment over 70%, foreign-funded enterpr**es in th** "home" for good development, stimulate the development of yizhuang areas, as well as china's economy. th** article from the foreign investment environment, foreign-funded enterpr**es in yizhuang development present situation analys** and compared to japan's experience in attracting foreign investment, from which we should learn from japan advanced management experience, and to contribute to better development of our economy. 20210311

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  • 用英语翻译下面一段话,谢谢
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