汉译英 - 调价通知

李開心 2024-06-06 13:15:42
price request background : in the past year, due to reasons known to all, the rapid r**e in the international market price of copper materials (now reached us$7300/mt --- data from the london copper futures market) and still continue to r**e as well. th** gives our products the cost of production in the past year increased by 30%. specific price measures : each nozzle (sprinkler) cost increases us$0.20 (increases for nearly 15%) commencement of the new price on may 1, 2006, ** valid until december 31, 2006. requests the dealers attention : 1. we h**e been in the past 12 months silently digest as a result of increased prices of raw materials costs. 2. we will continue to turn after the 15% increase in costs. 3. in the new price period, we will continue to bear the costs of raw materials led to increased costs rather than ra**ing. it ** hoped that all dealers to a long-term cooperation and common development of our understanding of the purposes of the status quo, to accept our request. 20210311

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