这题有一个难点,要筛选某一个日期的前一天的数据。经调试出来了,假设这张基金净值表叫做fund,只用一句话就可以实现楼主想要的功能:假设是要查询7月1号到8月1号每只基金的增长率:select r.基金代码,(r.复权净值-t.复权净值)/t.复权净值 as 基金增长率 from(select * from (select a.基金代码 as temp_fund,max(a.净值日期) as tem...
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th** harmed greatly to the image of hedge fund in the public mind,and the investor has lowered to the hedge fund confidence level to the bottom throughout h**tory.the madoff century cheat document cau...