days of revenge 求歌词

彼岸聽簫 2024-12-02 12:04:19
these are the days of revenge so sweet.can you feel it? can you feel it?there ** a fear in the air that i h**e prayed for, for my whole life.can you feel it? and do you fear it?and malcolm was right:the hate that we've sown has come home in the wake up. it's time to die.can you feel it? can you feel it?'cause we've reached the end of the lies:just take a look at the **s, and your leaders:they're killers and they're liars.see what they do in your name to make the bodies pile higher.the murders and the terror, they've done it foreveras we sit back and smile at the script that they sell now they come for now they come for you.we didn't hear and now there's nothing we can do.holy mother of columbine, say a prayer for me and the usa.blessed martyrs of palestine, come and strike us dare we pray?osama ** the demon that keeps you all safe in your cells.believe it. oh sweet revenge... and jesus himself would condemn us all to th** self-made hell.can you dig it? oh sweet revenge... hell ** the sign of our times:but now the victims, they're r**ing; their numbers are multiplying.they want their revenge for the years that they've been now they come for now they come for you.we didn't care and now there's nothing we can do.holy mother of columbine, s**e a prayer for me.blessed martyrs of palestine, come and strike us down.oh sweet revenge... 20210311

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