
?????喵喵喵? 2024-06-17 03:06:20
给你二个范本链接:1、吸收合并协议范本: 这个就不再提供英文翻译了!2、公司合并协议: 本条英文对照翻译内容:merger agreement________ co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as party a) and ____ co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as party b) representative of the board, after full consultation on matters relating to party b agreed to absorb the merger agreement are as follows:1, a and b absorption of both parties to exerc**e the merger, party a party b to absorb and continue to ex**t, b d**solved.2, a and b sides designated date for the merger on ____ day ____ year ____. however, the merger process can not be completed on that day, the a and b the two sides may agree an extension.third, the current capitalization party ____ yuan, the total number of shares ____ unit ____ yuan per share, due to the merger of shares **sued ____ shares of the amount of constant, total capital increased to ____ yuan, the total number of shares ____ yuan.b current capitalization ____ yuan, the total number of shares ____ shares of the amount of ____ yuan.the merger designated date b shareholders of record holdings due to the merger for at party stock, on the exchange ratio of _______:_______。 shareholders of each party for yi gu b shares, pay up the amount of ____ dollars (b shareholders are not required for the delivery of shares section. b shareholders of each party for a share, the difference between party a shall deliver stock ____ yuan ).a and b the two parties signed the merger agreement until the merger ** completed, no changes in the capital, shares and shareholders.4, b designated date in the merger of all property and rights and obligations by the party a unconditionally to bear.5, b after entry into force of th** agreement until the merger ** designated date, should be good admin**trator's attention, continue to manage its operations. however, the handling property, the burden of the obligation ,____ yuan of expenditures, etc., should be agreed by the party.6, b to all management personnel and workers, of course, after the merger to become party managers and staff, their work experience, wages and other wo**ng conditions remain unchanged. exchange of individual workers, unless.7, matters covered in th** agreement, by representatives of both sides a and b determined through consultation.8, a and b the two sides should sign the agreement on the date of th** week, to the leading authority for the merger. one or both of the application without the leading organs of the merger approval, the agreement expired.9, a and b sides should be held after the application ** approved the merger the shareholders of the general assembly to d**cuss the adoption of th** agreement. one or both of the shareholders of the general assembly did not pass, th** agreement expired.10, a type ____ copies of th** agreement, both sides armed with ____ copies of a and b h**e the same effect ,____ copies.party :______________________________name :______________________________home :______________________________legal representative: (signature seal )___________b :______________________________name :______________________________home :______________________________legal representative: (signature seal )___________on ____ day _______ year ______ at _________ to 20210311

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