
黄山松子 2024-06-02 15:08:05
beatbeatahd:[b¶t] d.j.[bi8t]k.k.[bit]v.(动词)beat, beat.en[b¶t“n] beat,及物动词)to strike repeatedly.反复to pun**h by hitting or whipping; flog.鞭打,处罚:用力击打或鞭打罚;鞭打to strike against repeatedly and with force; pound::连续用力地击打;抨击:w**es beating the shore.海浪拍击着海岸to flap, especially wings.振翅,鼓翼:扑打,尤指扑打翅膀to strike so as to produce music or a signal:打拍子:击打以发出乐声或信号:beat a drum.击鼓music to mark or count (time or rhythm) with the hands or with a baton.【音乐】 指挥:用手或指挥棒挥动或敲打以记数时间和表明节奏to shape or break by repeated blows; forge:煅造:连续敲击以切断或成形;锻造,打铁:beat the glowing metal into a dagger.把灼热的金属锻造成**to make by pounding or trampling:踏出,踩成:用践踏或移动的方式形成:beat a path through the jungle.在丛林中踩出一条路to mix rapidly with a utensil:搅拌:在器具里快速搅拌:beat two eggs in a bowl.在碗里打两只鸡蛋to defeat or subdue, as in a contest.战胜:在比赛中战胜,压倒to force to withdraw or retreat:击溃,击退:beat back the enemy.击退敌人to d**lodge from a position:杀价,移开:将…从某一位置移去:i beat him down to a lower price.我迫使他把价格降低**rmal to be superior to or better than:【非正式用语】 超过:高于或好于…:riding beats walking.骑车比走路快slang to perplex or baffle:【俚语】 困惑:使大惑不解,难倒:it beats me; i don't know the answer.这可难倒了我;我不知道答案**rmal 【非正式用语】 to **oid or counter the effects of, often by thinking ahead; circumvent:避开:躲避或抵消…的影响,常常通过事先的考虑;设法规避:beat the traffic.设法躲开交通拥挤to arrive or fin**h before (another):先于:比另一人先到达或先完成:we beat you home by five minutes.我比你早到家5分钟to deprive, as by craft or ability:榨取,剥夺:使用心机和能力剥夺:he beat me out of 20 dollars with h** latest scheme.他用新招骗取了我20块钱v.intr.(不及物动词)to inflict repeated blows.连续地敲击to pulsate; throb.搏动;悸动physics to cause beating by superposing w**es of different frequencies.【物理学】 振动:叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音to emit sound when struck:敲击发出响声:the gong beat thunderously.锣声如雷to strike a drum.击鼓,打鼓to flap repeatedly.连续拍击to be victorious or successful; win.战胜:胜利或成功;赢得to hunt through woods or underbrush in search of game.搜猎:穿过树丛或灌木搜寻猎物nautical to sail in the direction from which the wind blows.【航海】 逆风而行,抢风而行n.(名词)a stroke or blow, especially one that produces a sound or serves as a signal.敲打:敲击,吹打,尤用于产生响声或发出信号a pulsation or throb.(心脏)悸动,搏动physics a pulsation produced by beating.【物理学】 振动:敲击产生的振动music 【音乐】 a regular, rhythmical unit of time.拍子:一般的韵律时间单位the gesture used by a conductor to indicate th** unit of time.指挥:用来表示节拍的动作或姿势the symbol representing th** unit of time.拍符:表示拍子的符号the measured, rhythmical sound of verse; meter.韵律:诗的节奏,韵律;音步the area regularly covered by a reporter, a police officer, or a sentry:采访区:新闻记者,**,或哨兵经常涉猎,负责的范围,地区:telev**ion's culture beat.电视的文化专题采访the reporting of a news item obtained ahead of one's compe**s.独家报道:被某个竞争者抢先获取的新闻消息adj.(形容词)**rmal worn-out; fatigued.【非正式用语】 精疲力竭的;疲惫的of, relating to, or being a beatnik:披头族的:披头族的或与披头族有关的:the beat generation.披头族 20210311

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