求助 苹果审核3.1.4被拒

lsh思思 2024-06-16 14:03:47
楼主问的问题范围很广,审核被拒的原因有很多~在这里我简单的整理下,总结了以下十几种常见的原因。楼主看下是否有您家app遇到的问题吧~ ↓↓↓一、应用出现崩溃、加载失败等非常明显的bug《app store review guidelines》2.1中明确指明:make sure your app has been testedon-device for bugs and stability before you submit it……please don’t treat appreview as a software testing service. we will reject incomplete app bundles andbinaries that crash or exhibit obvious technical problems.(请确保你的应用在提交审核之前经过充分测试并且没有bug……不要把应用程序审核当作软件测试服务,如果你的应用不完整或者存在明显的技术缺陷,它将直接被拒绝。)虽然审核人员发现应用的bug是几率事件,但是为了保证应用按时上线,在提交之前还是尽量确保它没有明显的bug比较好。此外,在审核期间,保证服务器稳定也非常重要,如果审核人员审核时出现内容加载失败等情况,也会导致被拒的。被拒理由原文:performance -2.1we d**coveredone or more bugs in your app when reviewed on wi-fi.specifically,when we attempt to log-in, an activity indicator would spin briefly, thend**m**ses itself with no further action taken by the app.the user remainson the log-in screen, and ** unable to use your app.we've attachedscreenshot(s) for your reference. next stepsplease run yourapp on a device to identify the **sue(s), then rev**e and resubmit your app forreview.注:我们这里举出的,只是其中比较有代表性的一条信息。应用审核被拒后,苹果会在resolutioncentre (解决方案中心)告知被拒的原因以及解决方案。有时候,即使因为同一原因被拒,也可能收到表述不同的苹果反馈信息。二、应用描述、截图等与应用功能严重不符如果应用描述、截图和预览视频等营销/宣传性资料中介绍的功能与应用的实际功能大相径庭,或者苹果审核人员并没有在应用中发现应用描述或截图中展示的功能,都有可能被拒。除此之外,截图太过艺术化,完全不符合应用的实际内容,或选择的分类和应用性质完全不符等等都有可能被拒。被拒理由原文:2.3 detailswe were unableto locate some of the features described in your marketing materials or appname.specifically, weare unable to locate 'xxx ' features that marketed in the app name. next stepsif thesefeatures are located in your app, please reply to th** ** in theresolution center to provide **rmation on how to locate them. alternatively,please rev**e your app to ensure that these features are fully implemented orrev**e your application description, release notes and screenshots to removeth** content.三、错误使用抽奖、竞猜等促销方式抽奖、**、竞猜等功能可能是应用使用最普遍的促销方式之一了,而苹果对这些也做出了规定。例如:①用于抽奖和竞猜的官方规则必须在应用当中予以提供,并且明确表明苹果公司不是赞助商或者以任何形式参与了该活动;②应用不允许使用应用内付费购买信用点或者虚拟货币,并把它们与实际的货币结合使用,也不允许在应用当中购买**、抽**,和进行资金转移……如果你没有完全明白苹果对这方面的审核条款,很可能被拒!被拒理由原文:legal - 5.3.3your app enablesusers to purchase a raffle ticket, top-up their accounts or initiate fundtransfers in the app, which does not comply with the app store reviewguidelines. next stepswhile raffletickets cannot be purchased within the app, you may provide a link thatlaunches your web site, in safari, and enables ticket purchase.四、包含虚假、误导用户的信息或功能如果名称、描述等应用信息或功能中包含虚假、山寨的成分,被苹果认定为:有误导用户的嫌疑,审核时就会被拒绝。被拒理由原文:22.2 detailsyour app or itsmetadata contains m**leading content. specifically, your app name, xxx,m**leads users that the app includes ability to earn cash. next stepsplease remove orrev**e any m**leading content in your app and its metadata.五、包含隐藏功能不要在应用中包含任何隐藏以及没有相关说明文档的功能。如果应用的功能不能让审核人员了解清楚,很可能被拒。且苹果在审核规则中还有这样一条规定:如果这样的行为过分或者反复出现,你可能会被从开发者身份当中除名。被拒理由原文:performance -2.3.1we noticed thatyour app contains hidden features. specifically,your app contains a hidden music downloader. next stepsplease removethese features from your app.六、侵犯第三方版权苹果对知识产权的保护力度是有目共睹的——不仅在审核条款中单独设了【5.2知识产权】这一条,还开通了投诉通道。app store审核条款里明确规定:①不要使用受保护的第三方内容,如商标、版权作品,或者在应用中使用未经专利许可的创意。②如果你的应用使用、访问、展示和商业化第三方的服务,请保证你已经获得了相应的授权许可,且必须根据要求在审核前一并提供许可文件。③应用程序不能对非法分享、保存、转换或者来自第三方源的数据的非法使用提供方便,除非具有相应的合法授权协议。除此之外,苹果也**了一系列保护自身知识产权的条款,例如:①不要明示或暗示苹果公司是你的应用的供应商,或者苹果为你的应用的功能和质量代言。②禁止创建一个与苹果已有产品、用户界面、应用、广告主题相似的应用,且不允许拼错苹果产品名称。被拒理由原文:legal - 5.2.3your app alsoallows users to either s**e or download music and/or video content withoutauthorization from the relevant third-party sources. next stepsplease providedocumentary evidence of your rights to allow music or video content downloadfrom their sources. if you do not h**e the requested perm**sions, please removethe music or video download functionality from your app.七、出现第三方移动**的名字、图标等苹果应用商店审核指南2.3.10规定:make sure yourapp ** focused on the ios, mac, apple tv or apple watch experience, and don’tinclude names, icons, or imagery of other mobile platforms in your app ormetadata, unless there ** specific, approved interactive functionality.(确保你的应用专注于ios、mac、apple tv orapple watch,在应用或者元数据中不包含其他**的名称、图标、图像,除非有特定的、被认可的互动功能。)也就是说,最好不要在苹果的应用商店出现和android等**有有关的信息,否则被拒的风险大大的。被拒理由原文:2.3.10 detailswe foundthat your app and/or its metadata contains inappropriate or irrelevant platform**rmation, which ** not in compliance with the app store review guidelines.specifically,your app mentioned other platforms, such as android. next stepsproviding futureplatform compatibility plans, or other general platform references, ** notappropriate in the context of the app store. it would be appropriate to removeth** **rmation.八、采集了idfa却未集成广告服务idfa (identifierfor advert**ing)能够较精准地识别用户,尤其对广告主追踪广告转化率帮助很大。苹果开发者计划许可协议中规定:只有使用广告服务才有权采集idfa。被拒理由原文:pla 3.3.12we found thatyour app uses the advert**ing identifier but does not include ad functionality.th** does not comply with the terms of the apple developer program licenseagreement, as required by the app store review guidelines. specifically,section 3.3.12 of the apple developer program license agreement states: "you andyour applications (and any third party with whom you h**e contracted to serveadvert**ing) may use the advert**ing identifier, and any **rmation obtainedthrough the use of the advert**ing identifier, only for the purpose of servingadvert**ing. if a user resets the advert**ing identifier, then you agree not tocombine,correlate, link or otherw**e associate, either directly or indirectly,the prior advert**ing identifier and any derived **rmation with the resetadvert**ing identifier."九、含ugc却未提供用户协议及举报功能如果应用内有发帖等ugc(用户产生内容)功能,但是却没有要求用户同意条款(eula),也没有对敏感信息的举报措施等,也可能被拒。被拒理由原文:safety - 1.2your app enablesthe d**play of user-generated content but does not h**e the requiredprecautions in place.next stepsplease rev**eyour app to implement all of the following precautions:- requirethat users agree to terms (eula) and these terms must make it clear that there** no tolerance for objectionable content.- a method forfiltering objectionable content.- a mechan**mfor users to flag objectionable content.- the ability toblock abusive users from the service. - the developermust act on objectionable content reports within 24 hours by removing thecontent and ejecting the user who provided the offending content.十、用个人账户上传金融类应用将这一点列出来,是想再次提醒一下理财、p2等金融类相关产品的开发者们:目前,金融类应用只能用对应公司名称的开发者账号上传了。也就是说,如果用个人开发者账号提交金融类应用,会收到苹果的审核未过信息↓↓被拒理由原文:pla1.2the seller andart**t names associated with your app do not reflect the name, "xxx有限责任公司," in the app or its name and metadata, as requiredby section 1.2 of the apple developer program license agreement.(您的应用开发商名称和应用内/应用名称/关键词/描述中的名字(xxx有限责任公司)不匹配,违反了苹果开发者计划许可协议1.2。) next stepsyour app must bepubl**hed under a seller name and art**t name that reflects the xxx有限责任公司 brand, if you h**e developed these apps on behalf of aclient, please adv**e your client to add you to their development team of theirdeveloper account.(您的应用必须以符合xxx有限责任公司品牌名称的开发者账号上传。如果您是帮助客户开发的应用,请通知您的客户将您添加到他们的开发者账号团队成员中。)您的应用必须以符合xxx有限责任公司品牌名称的开发者账号上传。如果您是帮助客户开发的应用,请通知您的客户将您添加到他们的开发者账号团队成员中。当然,以上只是近期出现地比较频繁的被拒原因,除了这些之外,比较常见的原因还有以下几点:1. 提交的新版本与上一版相比,功能上变化过大,或在新版本中完全改掉了前一版产品的某些功能。2. 应用内推荐了其他app。3. 在itunes connect的应用预览信息中,提供的信息不足。也就是说,如果应用的某些功能需要登录,你却没有提供一个有效的demo账户的用户名和密码,就可能被拒。4. 应用内包含检查更新功能。5. 含有**、**等违反法律的内容,或出现过于令人反感或者低俗的内容。6. 应用使用了私有api。7. 应用内的功能不能太过单一,或产品太有创意,苹果的审核人员没能理解到它的独到之处。8. 反复提交类似的应用。也就是说,如果提交几个本质上一样的应用,不仅会影响其他应用的审核进程,还会有被拒的风险。9. 不恰当的评级。10. 应用名称、安装包等地方包含test、demo等字样。其实审核被拒一般分为两种情况:binary rejected(因应用代码问题被拒,需要重新上传应用并重新排队)和 metadatarejected(因元数据被拒,只需修改信息,不再需要重新上传),虽然后者发生后只需要修改信息即可,但无论哪种情况发生,都会浪费一定的时间。所以,在提交审核前,建议楼主仔细研究一下苹果的各项审核规则及常见的被拒原因。此外,如果真的不幸中招,也不用太过慌张。被拒后,苹果会将被拒理由、解决方案、具体违反了哪项条款(一般情况下,反馈信息中,最前面的数字对应的便是app store审核规则或开发者计划许可协议的相应条款)等发到resolution centre (解决方案中心)。通常情况下,按照苹果的建议仔细进行修改,再次提交便能通过。 20210311

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