
求婚策划师Kiki 2024-06-02 07:08:50
whether the financial cr**** in 2009, the employment of college graduates to bring pressure? college measures ** what? our reporter yesterday interview qinghua university and beijing university, and subordinates by senior huadian university, says four universities employment of financial cr****, although at present the employment of college graduates, but the influence of students by various public opinion, the influence of some mental. universities are already taken measures.north: guiding students from their "cr****"beijing university employment guidance lijunkai, deputy director of the center for the financial cr****, peking university graduate obtain employment ** relatively concentrated at the party and ** organs, research institutes, institutions and enterpr**es, foreign invested enterpr**es not too big effect.reading ** the graduate mothers opens, but she ** unable to ra**e and post please good adoption unborn childrenthree students to attract a rural[employment as political 1 proposal] [solving employment]robert &; quot qualifying examination and test of pit quot; parents all children into &; quot why cox quot; sl**e " campus &, nonsense quot; lodge tubes & that student collective petitioned to stayhigh school extortioners, more than 70 quot; six & schoolmates, accumulate &; quot 8 yuanin the eyes of students good teacher like?[after 80 soul safe] [campus: venus camps]famous | wangxuming: i m**sed three points to respectthe mother share | obama motheringpsychology: keep your classroom | love love hidden?she said although financial cr**** of peking university graduate employment difference, but may be part of public opinion, psychological influence students some fluctuations. therefore, peking university graduate obtain employment guiding rational economic cr****, the objective analys** with employment situation, seminars, teacher-student situation through such measures, guiding graduates symposia and rational face financial cr****.lijunkai also said, every year there are many students choose to grass-roots units, the western areas, a lot of people now achieved very good development.tsinghua: measure position cannot "money"in tsinghua university employment guidance qijinli, director of the center, the standard of measuring position should not only see the salary, "money ** not necessarily good job positions. qijinli remind graduates, h**e definite value idea, don't just stare at large. career more choices, and eventually the payback.qijinli admit, in the context of globalization, the impact of china's financial cr**** ** inevitable. different sectors in post demand change, also ** normal, "but the chinese financial system h**e relative independence".qijinli thinks, at present the country executes the positive f**cal policy, "** a good news for employment. infrastructure construction and equipment manufacturing, in finance, trade, real estate, securities and other industries job cuts, under the situation of railway construction, highway construction demand, "enlarge graduates in general i not too pessim**tic".stone: guiding graduates more rational pragmaticabout financial cr****, the influence of the employment of china petroleum universities employment instruction hanshangfeng, director of the center, said the lagging, one should not th** year. it says th** year, china has more than 3,000 university of petroleum in employment, currently 60% of undergraduate and graduate students (30%) h**e qq employment intention. he says, to the national energy strategy, main employment demand for petroleum and petrochemical industry, "employment more confident.hanshangfeng put students are divided into two types: one ** involved in petroleum and petrifaction professional students, a general students. at present, petroleum and petrochemical industry to introduce students to the basic equal "in". the main character**tics of professional students employment channels without obvious stress.hanshangfeng says gm of professional competitive pressure, schools should strengthen the guidance and guide the student to the west, and to the grass-roots units, where the motherland needs. at the same time, also must guide the student's employment expectation, let them become more practical and rational expectations, "if reduce employment, looking for a dream job will be easier."cautious optim**m, "huadian grim situation.""cautious optim**m, the grim situation in 2009," university of north china electric power of the employment situation, the student affairs section and large enterpr**es wangqinghua said dubbo from hiring of small and medium-sized enterpr**es, but the school recruitment of momentum decreases.wangqinghua says, nearly 100 electric power enterpr**es, in the school recruiting at home to 70 "." wangqinghua thinks, due to financial cr****, but increased demand for some enterpr**es high-end talent of urgency.in th** situation, has introduced some measures china huadian corporation. wangqinghua says, in addition to provide employment **rmation, more important ** to guide students to grass-roots units, west and the need of college students employment places. "the current employment does not appear too big problems in some industries, and big demand of talents, but demand ** big, students enthusiasm ** not high."金融危机是否给2009年高校毕业生就业带来压力?高校的应对措施是什么?本报记者昨日采访了清华、北大、华电和石大四所部属高校,四高校就业负责人表示,虽然目前金融危机对大学生的就业影响不是很大,但部分学生受到各种舆论的影响,心理产生一些波动。各高校都已采取了应对措施。 北大:引导学生从“危机”中突围 北京大学就业指导中心副主任李军凯表示,当前金融危机对于北大毕业生就业相对集中的各级党政机关、科研院所、事业单位及国企、三资企业没有太大影响。 正在读研究生的张菲即将初为人母,但她却因无力抚养而发帖请好心人**未出世的孩子 月薪三千吸引大学生到农村 [就业被列为政协1号提案][求解大学生就业] ·"占坑考排位考" 家长孩子为何全成"考奴"·校园"最牛宿管"引得学子集体上书挽留·高中生校内勒索70余同窗 半年"敛财"8万元学生眼中的好老师什么样? [80后心灵安全岛][校园志:校花集中营] 名家 | 王旭明:我对于丹的三分敬意分享 | 奥巴马妈妈的育儿经心理 | 爱情课堂:你把爱藏在哪? 她表示,尽管金融危机对北大毕业生就业的影响不大,但可能部分学生受到舆论影响,心理产生一些波动。为此,北大就业指导中心引导毕业生理性面对经济危机、客观分析就业形势,将通过形势研讨会、师生座谈会等措施,指导毕业生理性面对和应对金融危机。 李军凯还表示,北大每年都有很多同学选择到基层、西部地区,很多人现在都取得了很好的发展。 清华:衡量职位不能向“钱”看 在清华大学就业指导中心主任祁金利看来,衡量职位的标准不应仅看薪水,“钱多的岗位不一定是好工作”。祁金利提醒毕业生,要有明确的价值观念,不要只盯着大城市。以事业为重的选择,最终会带来丰厚的回报。 祁金利承认,在全球化背景下,金融危机对**产生影响是必然的。不同行业因此在岗位需求方面发生变化,也是正常的,“但**金融体系有相对独立性”。 祁金利认为,目前**实行了积极的财政政策,“对就业是一个利好消息”。加大基础设施建设和装备制造业,这会在金融、贸易、房地产、证券等行业就业岗位减少的情况下,铁路建设、公路建设等方面扩大毕业生需求,“总体上我不太悲观”。 石大:引导毕业生更加理性务实 谈及金融危机对学生就业的影响,**石油大学就业指导中心主任韩尚峰表示,这其中有一个相对滞后性,今年应该影响不大。其称,**石油大学今年有3000多人参与就业,目前60%的本科生和30%的研究生(q吧) 已有就业意向。他表示,学校适应了**能源战略需求,就业主要面向石油石化行业,“ 对就业比较有信心”。 韩尚峰把该校学生分为两类:一是涉及石油石化专业的学生,一是通用专业的学生。目前,石油石化行业引进大学生的意愿“与往年基本持平”。特色专业学生的主干就业渠道无明显压力。 韩尚峰称,通用专业的竞争压力比较大,学校要加强引导,引导这些学生到西部、到基层、到祖国需要的地方去。同时,也要引导学生的就业期望值,让他们变得更加务实和理性,“如果降低就业期望值,找一个理想的工作就会更容易一些”。 华电:“谨慎乐观 形势严峻” “谨慎乐观,形势严峻”,对于2009年华北电力大学的就业形势,该校学生处处长汪庆华表示,大型企业来校招聘势头不减,但中小企业进校招聘的势头减少。 汪庆华表示,已有近100家电力企业进校招聘,“往年这时70来家。”汪庆华认为,由于受到金融危机影响,反而加剧了一些企业对高端人才需求的紧迫感。 针对今年的形势,华电已**了一些措施。汪庆华表示,除提供就业信息外,更重要的是引导学生到基层、西部和最需要大学生的地方就业。“当前就业并没有出现太大问题,一些行业对人才的需求量还是很大,但需求量大的地方,学生积极性不高。” 20210311

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