at the service of是什么意思

桃大幺 2024-06-24 18:38:34
at the service of  释义:服务于    双语例句: thought that such an office could be a transparent and independent body that would be at the service of the member states.  它认该办公室可以是和独立的机构,为成员国服务。  2.the word "you" in bold letters, ordered each and every citizen to be at the service of the country at the time when it needed them most.  用黑体印刷的「你」字,着令每一个国民在**最需要他们的时候,为国效力。  3."the london accord will put the capital's talent as a financial innovator at the service of the nascent climate change industry. "  “《伦敦协定》将使伦敦的人才成为为新兴气候变化行业服务的金融创新者。”  4.pierre put h** carriage at the service of a wounded general of h** acquaintance, and drove with him to moscow.  皮埃尔把赶上他的一辆马车拨给他熟悉的一位受伤的将**,用他一道赶往莫斯科。  5.the state ** at the service of the individual and its goal ** to promote common welfare.  **(**)服务于个体并以提升公共福利为目标。 20210311

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