state officials said they hoped that the $700 billion federal bailout of the financial system approved by the house of representatives on friday would help open credit markets that h**e balked at prov
state officials said they hoped that the $700 billion federal bailout of the financial system approved by the house of representatives on friday would help open credit markets that h**e balked at prov
1strength 在这里指的是simple payback and rate of return methods对于投资评估的优势2assumption常用的意思是假设,这里指的是对于time-value of money的假设整个的翻译是,简单盈利和回报率的在评估投资时的一个优势是他们的结果不受到金钱的时间价值假设的影响。(在金融里time-value of money指的是一个d**coun...