mika的《heroes》 歌词

开普敦老船长 2024-12-23 09:14:13
歌曲名:《heroes》 歌手:mika所属专辑:《the origin of love deluxe version》发行时间:2012-09-17发行公司:环球唱片歌词:the kids in they hundreds tomorrowwill march through the dawnthey’re fighting someone th** ** warthere are so many stories to tellin exchange for the heroes, farewelli w**h i could,i w**h i could make you returnand what if i’ll never…as you walk to the toll of the bellyou’ll be fighting for our he**en with helland you don’t understandwhile no one else can seeshould you bail out on me,i’ma bail out on youput someone …you le**e,the only thing i wouldn’t doand you know,heroes aren’t meant to surviveso much harder to love when lifewoke with the devil in your handyou’re think you’re better off deadand you don’t understandwhile no one else can seeshould you bail out on me,i’ma bail out on youput someone …you le**e,the only thing i wouldn’t dowe can … fire, fire, fire awaywhen you need, fire, fire, fire awayif i’d be every… to love,i’d threw it all for heroes falleni w**h there was a way,to give you a hand to holdcause you don’t h**e to die in your glorydie too never of oldshould you bail out on me,i’ma bail out on youput someone …you le**e,the only thing i wouldn’t doshould you bail out on mei’ma bail out on youput someone …you le**e,the only thing i wouldn’t dowe can … fire, fire, fire awaywhen you need, fire, fire, fire awayif i’d be every… to love,i’d threw it all for heroes fallen.歌手简介:mika(1983年8月18日─),英国创作歌手、音乐家,出生于黎巴嫩。 20210311

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