
Wedding Bus 官方 2024-09-29 07:11:11
besides the bank of the west lake,the hangzhou e-harmony technology **.co.ltd. ** one of the leading bop providers in china. with over ten years of experience in bpo,the e-harmony company has provided number of professional services for clients such as finance、telecoms operator、**、large-sized enterpr**e etc.in 2009 , with excellent quality,e-harmony company had became the nominative unit for the plicc on the h**torical file scaning outsourcing(hfso),and finally won the competitive bidding of th** hfso in branch company ,which including guangzhou、shenzhen、fuzhou、yangzhou、shenyang,fixed almost 500 million image pages in the total processing files, which account for about 25% number of plicc hfso in the whole country.the services include pre-processing files, file scan processing, and insurance data recording,file pigeonhole, **rmation technology services for the entire files.in april th** year,the date centers were built in guangzhou, shenzhen, fuzhou, yangzhou, shenyang branchs. each center has over 1,500 workers and 120 continuous production lines. from now on,company can able to fix over 1.5million pages a day. during the last 6months,company has fixed 200million pages, scaned 1.2billions, pigeonholed 80millions files. at the same time, company send the date **rmationized into client file searching system and fulfilled the fast transforming form ** to **mationized,helped clients short the time and cost in business management ,improved the useing value of ** file. because of struggle,each centers was appreciated by clients.自己译的 20210311

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