
Sunnyday 2024-06-18 03:48:36
the united arab emirates (uae) cons**ts of seven emirates’ and dubai ** the most popular destination of them all. it ** situated on the southern shore of the persian gulf on the arabian peninsula. dubai ** the second largest emirate after abu dhabi and ** usually recogn**ed as the ‘pearl of the persian gulf’. dubai’s population ** estimated at 1.5 million, a huge difference from 183,200 in 1975. dubai ** one of the most multicultural cities in the world with the expatriate community covering most of the population, with less than 10% of the total being national emirat**. the state of dubai ** commonly referred to as a city because it has been d**tingu**hed as the most modern and cosmopolitan environments in the emirates, especially due to its rapid technological transformation over the past few decades. dubai ** a landmark for innovation; some might even compare it to the computer game sim-city where expansion has no limit. the city boasts remarkable skyscrapers, such as the world’s current tallest building, the burj dubai, and ** also in the process of developing one of the most technologically advanced buildings in the world – the pad. th** ** based on the idea of an ipod; th** residential tower ** set to be embedded with the latest gadgets that will h**e the power to change interior design and window views to almost anything imaginable. sheikh mohammed ** the ruler of dubai. it ** said that he ** primarily responsible for making dubai what it ** today; a modern high flying city thriving from commercial investments. sheikh mohammed’s most significant business proposal was the introduction of dubai’s world class airline, the emirates. the city of dubai gains higher returns from its tour**m unlike many of the other emirates, as revenue from oil only accounts for around 6% of dubai’s gross domestic product. the city’s oil ** decreasing by the year and therefore cannot be depended upon. that ** partly the reason why there has been a construction boom in order to diversify its economy in the expansion of commercial and corporate activity. dubai has therefore become a world famous city through innovative real estate projects, sports events, conferences and guinness records. although dubai has been transformed into a man-made hi-tech city, it still has a strong **ic culture with a stretch of h**torical buildings by the creek. whilst some may view th** as a conflict of old meeting new, it ** also considered to be a captivating city that offers both extremes; a traditional past interlinked with modern daydubai culture culture in dubai ** rooted in **ic traditions that form uae national's lifestyles. however, the uae ** tolerant and welcoming to foreigners who do not practice the religion of **. expatriates are free to practice their own religion, alcohol ** served in hotels and the dress code ** liberal. women don't face d**crimination. courtesy and hospitality are one of the many virtues of dubai. rulers are keen to maintain their culture and do so through a number of practices. one ** promoting sporting events that are representative of their past. falconry, camel racing and dhow sailing are still popular in dubai. the official language of the country ** arabic, however most people in and out of the workplace communicate in engl**h. there are so many different nationalities in dubai, engl**h finds common ground with most people. the majority of road and shop signs, restaurant menus etc. are in both engl**h and arabic. dubai ** a cosmopolitan city and v**itors can dress however they like. still, a good amount of respect for local customs ** appreciated. in deference to local customs and norms it ** a good idea for v**itors not to wear very short, tight clothing, at least until such time as they are comfortable with the city. uae nationals usually wear their traditional dress. for men th** ** the d**hdasha or khandura, a white full-length shirt-dress. it ** worn with a white or red checked headdress known as a gutra. in public women wear the black abaya, a long black robe that covers their normal clothes. they also wear a headscarf.迪拜dubai)简介 迪拜是(迪拜市(英语:dubai **伯语:دبيّ))是阿联酋第二大酋长国,面积3885平方公里,占阿联酋总面积的5%。2002年人口达111.2万。迪拜的经济实力在阿联酋也排第二位,阿联酋70%左右的非石油贸易集中在迪拜,所以习惯上迪拜被称为阿联酋的“贸易之都”,它也是整个中东地区的转口贸易中心。 迪拜拥有世界上第一家七星级酒店、全球最大的购物中心、世界最大的室内滑雪场,源源不断的石油和重要的贸易港口地位,为迪拜带来了巨大的财富,如今的迪拜成了奢华的代名词。 迪拜**所在地为迪拜市。迪拜市是阿联酋第二大城市。此外,该酋长国还有哈塔镇和杰贝尔阿里港等地。每年10月至来年3月是迪拜气候最好的时节,迪拜总的来说属亚热带气候,冬天气温在10-30℃,夏天最高达48℃度。迪拜的官方语言为**伯语,但英语是最主要的商业语言。 经济产业以金融业、石油贸易、货运业、旅游业等为主。 位于**伯半岛中部、**伯湾南岸,是海湾地区中心,与南亚次**隔海相望,被誉为海湾的明珠。它沿海岸线呈西南到东北的走向,长30公里,最宽处10余公里。一条长约14公里的海汊将它分为两部分,东南部分称为迪拉,西北部叫巴尔杜拜。靠海汊的迪拉地段最为繁华。海汊从南到北,建有戈尔胡德桥、马克西姆桥和山代盍隧道,将西部连在一起。面积3980平方公里,约占全国总面积的5%。人口226.2万人,约占全国人口的41.9%,为人口最多的酋长国。 迪拜是七个**伯联合酋长国中的面积第二大酋长国(次于阿布扎比),是阿联酋的经济中心。迪拜是阿联酋第二大酋长国,一座现代化的商业城市。也是整个中东的商业、金融业中心,乃至中东的旅游圣地。它曾被评为中东地区商务、旅游、购物的三大第一。 商务第一: 迪拜是中东地区最大的商品集散地,同时也是最大的免税港,开放的政策和宽松的环境,吸引了成千上万的商人蜂拥而至寻求商机。每年召开的各种大型国际博览会更为这些来自世界各地的商家提供了难得的贸易机会。据统计,80%的轻工业产品来自**。 旅游第一: 位于波斯湾南岸的阿联酋有着明媚的阳光、金色的沙滩、宁静的海滨是旅游度假的理想场所。素有沙漠绿洲之称的迪拜共有500多家现代化酒店,其中包括世界之最的七星级酒店buj arab。迪拜的夜生活非常丰富,酒吧、**营业到凌晨三点钟结束。全城整夜灯火通明,有着神话般火树银花不夜天的优美夜景。 购物第一: 阿联酋食品进口完全免税,其他商品一律只征收4%的进口关税,仅此,而无其他任何税收。旅游者可在此地选购到价格优惠的世界名牌产品。每年三月的迪拜购物节日和九月份的夏日惊奇(大减价活动)更加增添了这座城市的繁荣和独特的魅力。 20210311

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