2024-12-01 20:40:02
cfa教材是六本,在cfa考试报名的时候,cfa教材是的,可以选择电子版纸或,或者都要。cfa考试是纯英文的考试,并没有在****自行举办考试,所以cfa并没有中文教材。 book 1 ethical and professional standards; book 2 beh**ioral finance, individual investors, and institutional investors; book 3 capital market expectations, market valuation, and asset allocation; book 4 fixed income and equity portfolio management; book 5 alternative investments, r**k management, and the application of derivatives; book 6 portfolio: execution, evaluation and attribultion, and global investment performance standards; 通过自学考取的可能性很小,我建议可以选择专业的培训机构进行系统学习。在众多cfa培训机构中高顿教育 性价比更高,有课程私教陪读的直播课程。除完善的课程设置之外,更设置考测体系,同时课程私教的融入更可为每个cfa考生提供定制化的学习方案,适合零基础的考生。 20210311