我们非常愿意推荐某女士到贵组织进行培训。某市作为**沿海经济开发城市,拥有众多的从事对外贸易的企业,外贸进出口增长迅速。2005年进出口总额达到55.95亿美元。we are willing to nominate mrs xxx to accept th** training sponsored by your organization. as a coastal economic develo...
我来法国不久,刚刚找到了一套房子,房子离...很近.我每天走路. je su** arrivée en france pas longtemps,(re xu ariwei ang ferangsi ba longdang)je vena** de trouver un logement(re wenei de trhuwei an laorimang)qui est pro...
1.according to"finanical times"th** group was ranked the second most competitive steel producer globally.根据《金融时报》报道,该团全面超过了第二有竞争能力的钢铁制造商。2.n**co ** located in the northern suburb of nanjing city,jiang...
armored vehicle manufacturing quality and armored ** an important part of the armored vehicle, which ** a all closed shell structure welded of rolled homogeneous armor plates at a certain angle.th...