
Mgs168 2024-12-01 17:41:47
china's financial industry should focus on european financial enterpr**e the opportunity of the merger if europe appear massive bank cr****, many small and medium sized financial institutions will collapse, a group of large system and the importance of the financial institutions may need a total thousands of euro transfers. china should start to study in europe with low cost merger of financial institutions (branches) or buy the possibility of some of its equity. if china's banks in europe on self-built branch development mode, the internationalization of speed will slow. and in europe during the cr**** in time grasp opportunities will give china merger of financial enterpr**es to provide a low cost, speed faster international opportunities. in addition, the european financial institutions once the cr****, may be selling its assets or branches of asia. china should also focus on these opportunities. a cr****, japan's nomura securities with zero cost acquired lehman's asia securities business ** a for the successful cases. of course, in related to concrete m&a business, they shall give due consideration to the chinese financial enterpr**e itself to the needs of business expansion and the takeover of the enterpr**e control ability (especially talent and r**k management ability) the limit, **oid blind acqu**ition, to cause great losses. in the trade, the fight for europe to china's market economy status and commitment to open china's high-tech exports. china can be controlled in the prem**e of r**k involved in european aid, but should require european commitment to solve china's market economy status, and demanded that the european union and the major european countries to reduce exports to china high-tech product restrictions. in addition, prudence should china to buy the requirements of the debt appeal. some european countries want china to buy big country's debt cr**** to help stabilize the european bond market and investor confidence. in the present conditions, due to some cr**** countries default r**k ** still in r**ing channel, the euro ** facing on the significant dollar depreciation pressure, so china's debt should be prudent to investment. but, the efsf bonds and european **s do reach an agreement on the future once backwardness european bonds, china should take a more positive attitude measures to support them.你好 20210311

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