
张肉包没有馅 2024-06-07 02:47:32
city官网上写的,你需要雅思7分,相当于英国2.1以上的成绩。gmat成绩600-800,学校建议你在提交申请之前考完。entry requirementsengl**h requirementsevery year we welcome students from around 100 different nations to study with us here at cass. it ** essential that all students h**e an excellent command of engl**h in order to participate fully in the collaborative learning process. we therefore require all students who h**e not previously studied in engl**h to sit an ielts or toefl exam. if you are not a native engl**h speaker but h**e studied or are studying in engl**h at degree level, please submit a copy of your most recent engl**h language test along with your application.ieltsthe required ielts level ** an **erage of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in writing.toeflfor toefl we require 107 (internet based test)our toefl code ** 7650, department code 02we do not offer a pre-sessional engl**h class as an alternative to achieving these scores. any pre-sessional course should be viewed as a way of settling into living and studying in the uk and not as a way of topping up an ielts or toefl score.other qualificationsa good bachelors degree ** required to enter th** course, usually a uk 2.1 or above or the equivalent from an overseas institution. some level of previous study in finance or quantitative methods ** preferred.cass business school operates on a rolling adm**sions bas**. th** means that candidates apply for and are admitted all year round to our programmes. most of our applications are received early in the academic year. to maxim**e your chances of receiving a positive response, we strongly suggest you apply as early as possible. we aim to return a dec**ion within 4 -6 weeks of receiving your application.applicants will need to submit two references, one of which must be an academic reference. no work experience ** required for th** programme although if you do h**e any relevant experience that will enhance your profile please give details of th**.gmatapplicants to the msc in banking & international finance are strongly encouraged to take the gmat test. a good gmat score will considerably strengthen your application. the gmat ** one of several adm**sion criteria that will be considered. we look for a well balanced score in the range of 600-800. you must h**e taken the gmat before submitting your application. please note that we can temporarily accept the "test taker" copy of your score if your official report ** not **ailable yet but you will need to submit your official score should you be accepted. please arrange for your score to be sent directly to the msc programme at cass business school. gmat scores are valid for five years. further **rmation about gmat, reg**tration, fees and testing sites ** **ailable from our gmat code ** 2c2-r0-84 20210311

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