
你的刘先森?? 2024-09-22 12:01:28
work well the preparation for the olympicscome gradually along with the olympics, we are also more and more for the preparation that the olympics make, can still h**e the loophole.according to the inqu**ition, spit everywhere in the public place, the confusion throw the head of a row of garbage six greatest vulgar practices **(81.59%);after one by one in order in order to keep the pet influence public hygiene, hinder the others safety(63.67%);at take a look at the game performance wait the public situation create a big no**e, the drum pours the 掌 , says the gutter language and calls names etc.(59.4%);walk, drive and don't obey the traffic regulations, not each its teachings(57.4%);multiply by the bus hustle, don't let;on the street, the station confusion stick, sends forth the small advert**ement and publicizees the material(54.41%).these are the 6 greatest hard nut to cracks that the people face now, these hard nut to cracks are all the body to wear the capital city citizenry's morals character now.if don't change the 6 greatest vulgar practices of peking, return so how to be good host lord.be the nation- china of rite, of spread the person.whether should be careful to consider, we are first the generation to beat for us fine anecdotes, but ruin at us th** generation.we not ** to be ungrateful to first the generations to our expectation? to think whole cure good peking, get to do from the drop of personal 1:1 first.whether see th** modernization in a peking metropol** h**e" green olympics, the humanities olympics" or not, will see h** citizenry whether the ability express the morals quality in each place.these vulgar practices are all because parts of citizenry and come to the personnel of the city to live the habit badly, lack the social sense of responsibility;the publicity education work lacks to aim at sex and usefulnesses;the ** section manages to become d**jointed with service, service the consciousness ** not strong, some leaderships and the superv**or section while do work, take no account of the common people actual difficulty, lack the interaction with large citizenry;the ex**ting and public service facilities fall behind, the service and the management works do not arrive. so, viable whole cure the method to h**e th** several: (1) strengthen the publicity education work, become the whole city, the people set up the civilization city atmosphere totally. (2) each area county, each section wants publicity column or public-spirited advert**ements that demonstrates to symbolize the d**trict, mr. to hand over to gather to spread the station to order in the important public place, the main road segment and civilizations of the mag**tracy to concentrates to establ**h a batch of topics fulfillment activity with community. (3) the related section collects jian3 ming2 publicly toward society and record, aims at sex easily to overcome strongly not civilization the publicity slogan of the beh**ior. only attain the olympics be everybody nearby of matter, so," green olympics, the humanities olympics" also le**es us not far." the one world, one dream" 20210311

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    no. 192, chun du road, old d**trict, luo yang city, he nan province再加上邮政编码就好了。

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