
大小姐 2024-06-17 10:12:07
knockin' on my door - b.reiththey're knocking on my doortelling me they want morehold on, hold on.they're banging on my window,telling me it's been too longhold on, yea.they're knocking on my door,telling me they want more.they said they're looking for something new,i gotcha. give me six months,and i'll hook you up proper.something hotter than the biggie who shot you.watch out, i boiled it up like lobsters.they get impatient, like waiting at the doctor'soffice, cr**ing good music like oxy gen,but please understand,i'm trying to break out of th** box i'm in.i'm not stopping til i get to ten,it's gotta be flame when that ** hits my pen.forget hits, i ain't worried if it hits a trend,we start a new one, watch them stop l**tening.yea, but til then, i got people that are ready,knocking on my door, saying hurry up already!it takes time, so here's the appetizer,to whet your appetite, bon appetitthey're knocking on my doortelling me they want morehold onhold onthey're banging on my window,telling me it's been too longhold onthey're knocking on my door,telling me they want more:hold on.yea, it's the return of the hold up,i've never been promoted, how could i blow up.i come from a place where they call pop soda,starts with an "m", and it's not minnesota,moved to the south where it gets less colder.and record labels tell you it's all about quotas;well, my vote ** that we all take notice of thefact that nobody knows what to do.oh, but a few people inmy corner said keep pushing,people out there want more,and they're lookingfor good music, well, let me get them cooking.i even got attention out of brooklyn,but that didn't pan out like mono.h**en't found what i'm looking for like bono,put on my tom like alyssa milano,hit these high notes like sopranos.they're knocking on my door,telling me they want more:hold onhold onthey're banging on my window,telling me it's been too long:hold onthey're knocking on my door,telling me they want more.i know what it feels like,to be on that shelf, likeeverybody's passing you by, by.i keep w**hing they would notice,but it seems so hopeless,no matter how hard you try!th** world will try to shake you,mold you and then break you,they ain't worried about your soul, soul.lock that door and bolt it,tell them to move on, causewhat we've got ** worth waiting for!they're knocking on my door,telling me they want more:hold on, hold on.they're banging on my window,telling me it's been too long:hold onthey're knocking on my door,telling me they want more:hold onhold onthey're banging on my window,telling me it's been too longhold onthey're knocking on my door,telling me they want more 20210311

  • **人寿恋爱保险背景音乐叫什么
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    • 提问者: 未知
    互联网保险购买决策**-多保鱼保险网是一个保险购买决策**,提供意外险、健康险、医疗险、人寿险、重疾险评测、攻略、百科、问答知识,帮助用户科学购买合适的保险。学保险知识,选择互联网保险购买决策**-多保鱼保险网。问:**人寿恋爱保险背景音乐叫什么 答:真的我就在办,这是**...
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  • exodus中伯贤回归的背景音乐是什么
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  • 大话西游背景音乐叫什么
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    i will rovk you
  • 背景音乐
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  • 非常完美的全部背景音乐是什么
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  • 96版吕颂贤的笑傲江湖这个背景音乐叫什么名字
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    • 提问者: 未知
    你自己看吧,我也不清楚  1、 电影《东邪西毒》原声音乐。  这张原声大碟共15首,在笑傲中最常用的是《幻影交叠》《昔情难追》《纠结难解》《情欲流转》《尘归尘土归土》《挚爱》《追忆》等。  比如仪琳思念她的令狐大哥时,常用《幻影交叠》中如溪般淙淙流过的美妙音乐作背景,衬出小尼姑的一片冰心;  而冲哥乔装将军救了恒山派群尼后告辞只身离去,那一刻天地苍茫,浪子孤独,画面中响起了《昔情难追》中的经典旋律...
  • 亮剑里面都有哪些背景音乐
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    • 提问者: 未知
    背景音乐有: 1、《**军魂》词曲:李海鹰 演唱:北京男声合唱团 2、《战火e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333366303130情深》词曲:李海鹰 演唱:北京男声合唱团 3、《老街旧话》词曲:李海鹰 演唱:北京男声合唱团 4、《兄弟连心》词曲:李海鹰 演唱:北京男声合唱团 5、...
  • 给一段建筑工地的视频配背景音乐,配什么音乐好呢?
    • 2024-06-17 20:26:39
    • 提问者: 未知

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