世界各大组英文缩写 un ( the united nations) 联合国 fao (food and agriculture organization of the united nations) (联合国)粮食及农业组织 unesco (united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization) 联合国教科文组织 uncf (united nations children's fund,其前身是united nations international children's emergency fund) 联合国儿童基金会 unido (united nations industrial development organization) 联合国工业发展组织 undp (united nations development programme) 联合国开发计划署 unep (united nations environment programme) 联合国环境署 uncdf(united nations capital development fund) 联合国资本开发基金会 unctad (united nations conference on trade and development) 联合国贸易与发展会议 who (world health organization) 世界卫生组织 wmo (world meteorological organization) 世界气象组织 wto (world trade organization) 世界贸易组织 gatt (general agreement on tariffs and trade) 关税及贸易组织 wipo (world intellectual property organization) 世界知识产权组织 wpc (world peace council) 世界和平理事会 ilo (international labour organization) 国际劳工组织 imf (international monetary fund) 国际货币基金组织 ioc (international olympic committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会 upu (universal postal union) 万国邮政联盟 itu (international telecommunication union) 国际电信联盟 ifc(international finance corporation) 国际金融公司 imo (international maritime organization) 国际海事组织 **o (international standard organization) 国际标准化组织 i** (international civil **iation organization) 国际民用航空组织 ida (international development association) 国际开发协会 ifad (international fund for agricultural development) 国际农业发展基金会 ioj (international organization of journal**ts) 国际新闻工作者协会 icc(international chamber of commerce) 国际商会 uea(universal esperanto association) 国际世界语协会 intelsat (international telecommunications satellitic) 国际通信卫星机构 irto (international radio and telev**ion organization) 国际广播电视组织 iaea (international **ic energy agency) 20210311