关于次贷危机 翻译成中文

大湯 2024-06-26 11:33:07
critic**m was heaped on scapegoats. 批评的浪潮涌向了替罪羊。"the conduct of some mortgage brokers was shameful and called for nation wide regulation of the home lending business" , the us treasury secretary hank paulson said in the financial times . “房地产经纪人的行为是可耻的,此时我们需要全国范围内的针对个人贷款的规范化的条例。”美国**部长汉克-鲍尔森在金融时报中讲到。few econom**ts writing in financial **s share wolfgang münchau's critic**m of the policies pursued by the washington ** and the federal reserve: 只有少数的经济学家同意wolfgang münchau对于华盛顿**所推行的政策的批判:"i believe that the explosive growth in credit derivatives and collateral**ed debt obligations between 2004 and 2006 was caused by global monetary policy between 2002 and 2004," “我相信2004至2006年间的信用衍生物以及次级贷款的**式增长是由于2004至2006年间的货币政策引起的。”and further "the channel through which negative real interest rates can translate into a credit bubble will remain open". 以及“负增长的真实利率转化成信贷泡沫的渠道将持续存在”。 in big banks and private financial bodies there was he**y turbulence and a certain amount of in-fighting at board level (cf. citigroup and merrill lynch).在大银行以及私人金融体系的管理层中存在着不稳定性和一定程度的内部斗争(花旗和美林)。 on 11 october 2007 the institute of international finance (iif), an international association of some 800 banks and other financial institutions (including the most prestigious banks) sent a long letter to the imf and to the main central banks in which it diagnosed a deep cr**** and asked public bank authorities to more closely superv**e the international private finance sector. 国际金融组织,一个由800多家银行及其他金融机构组成的国际联盟(包括一些最有声望的银行),于2007年10月1日向国际货币基金组织以及一些身陷危急的中央银行发了一封很长的信函并要求公共银行权力机构更加细致的监管国际私人金融部门。 the neoliberal european comm**sioner for the internal market and services, charlie mccreevy, has very strong words to denounce "irresponsible lending, blind investing, bad liquidity management, excessive stretching of rating agency brands and defective value at r**k modelling.欧洲委员会国内市场及服务部专员查理-麦克里维对于不负责任的贷出、盲目的投资、糟糕的流动性管理、以及评级机构和资产评级的过度扩展发表了强烈的言辞。 nobody can be proud of some of the ugliness that th** credit cr**** has exposed.没人能为这次信贷危机暴露出的丑闻自豪。" however, according to the financial times, "the comm**sioner, one of the eu's most prominent exponents of free market thinking, will caution against a rush to regulate, saying rules that enforce transparency in financial markets can sometimes backfire, spreading panic and moral hazard across the system".然而,根据金融时报的报道,一位欧洲极力倡导自由市场框架的专员对与迅速的调整做出警告,他认为那些强迫市场增加透明性的举措有可能起到事与愿违的效果,并且可能在整个系统内造成恐慌和道德风险。 of course we cannot expect the european comm**sion or the washington ** to decide on firm regulations to be applied to the financial corporations that are responsible for the current cr****.当然,我们不能期待欧洲委员会或者华盛顿**对于造成当下金融危机的金融机构而采取强硬的规范的决定。 人工翻译,希望有所帮助。 20210311

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