
小简 2024-06-01 10:51:09
翻译前先明确两点:第一,所有的人名和地名(包括电影的名字)请自行到google上搜索;第二,搜索的方式为:键入中文名,在其后输入“英语”或者engl**h或者“英文译文”字样即可,谢谢。第三,新京报用a表示,jiang digui用b代替。 关于**导演 《英雄》和《十面埋伏》不太有共鸣;冯小刚周星驰也是我喜欢的新京报:我知道这两年张艺谋的几部影片在韩国都取得了不错的票房和口碑,你对他的电影是怎么看的?about the chinese directorsi don't h**e any resonance with hero and lovers, and feng xiaogang and zhou xingchi are the two l like.a: i know that in these two years, many films of zhang h**e got good box office and public pra**e in korea. what do you think about h** films?姜帝圭:张艺谋是我很尊敬的导演,他以前很多的作品我都很喜欢,我觉得张艺谋的电影总是可以把一个很小的故事用非常宏大的场面表现出来,换句话说,他的电影对内容的表现力很宽广,这是他的优点。不过最近在韩国上映的《英雄》和《恋人》(《十面埋伏》)我不太有共鸣,因为我从中看不到人性的力量。b: zhang ** a director i respect and i like many of h** previous productions. i think zhang's films can modify a short story in a large-scale way, which ** to say the expression of h** films ** vast, and th** ** h** advantages. i don't h**e any resonance with hero and lovers, the recent two films showed in korea, for i cannot see the strength of humanity in them. 新京报:**的媒体报道过你有意和冯小刚导演合作的事情,他是你喜欢的**导演吗?a: the chinese media has it that you h**e got intentions to cooperate with feng xiaogang, and ** he the chinese director you like?姜帝圭:我和冯导演是不错的朋友。我们之前确实谈过一起合作的事情,但是他的档期太紧张了,影片总是一部接着一部,我们还没有就具体的项目进行过更多的交流,但是他确实是我认为能够拍出好电影的**导演。另外周星驰也是我喜欢的一个**导演,他表现幽默的方法很特别,是我想不到的。 b: director feng and i are good friends. we did talk about the matter of coperation before, but as h** limited time as well as the waiting l**t of too many films being conducted, we did not make any further communication on the specific items. however, he ** the chinese director whom i think can conduct nice films. by the way, zhou xingchi ** another chinese director i like, he has a unique way to express humor, which ** out of my imagination. 关于电影政策 一个**电影的兴盛并不取决于导演的才能,它是综合条件促成的新京报:前些天的评审团记者会上,你曾经提到韩国电影的成功首先要归功于政策的支持。今天的韩国电影可以说已经被国民认可,那么此前制定的种种政策是不是也没有一开始那么有效了?about the policy for filmsthe booming of the film industry of a country ** not decided by the talent of directors. it ** decided by the synthes** conditions.a: you mentioned few days ago on the press conference of the judge committee that the success of korean film ** due to the support of the policies. korean films nowadays are acknowledged by the korean people, then, i wonder if the policies previously made as effetive as before.姜帝圭:这些保护政策确实对《太极旗飘扬》这样的大制作不会有效了,但是韩国还有很**例的艺术电影,如果没有电影配额制度,它们在影院上映的机会都会少得多,而它们恰恰是电影产业中必不可少的一部分。 b: the protect policy does h**e little effect in large-scaled production such as 《太极旗飘扬》, but in korea the art**tic film also take up a large proportion and without the film quota policy they will h**e less chance to show in the cinemas. they are just the inalienable part of the film industry.另外电影也是民族文化的一部分,****政策保护电影文化是不用讨论的,因为你不保护它就不存在。现在全世界20多个**是自己不拍电影的,为什么?因为他们的院线里放的都是美国电影。**没有保护,等于放弃了本国的电影文化。 b: besides, film ** part of the national culture, and it needn't any d**cussion for the state carry out the policy to protect the culture of the film, for they would van**h if you don't protect. all over the world, there are 20 countries which do not produce films themselves, why? because all in their cinemas are american films. lack of the potections of the state, it means the abandon of the national culture of film.新京报:日本电影和**电影都曾经在世界范围内都取得过很大的辉煌。如今韩国电影取而之成为国际电影界瞩目的焦点,你觉得这股“韩流”会持续多久?a: japanese films and hong kong films h**e once won the world's great glories. now that korean films has replaced them to be the focus of international film field, how long do you think the "korean tide" will last?姜帝圭:我实在没法预测韩国电影还能流行多久,一个**电影的兴盛并不取决于导演的才能。电影产业的成功通常是综合条件促成的,它往往跟**、金融、税收、教育等很多相关的因素联系在一起,缺一不可。你提到的日本电影和**电影没能持续他们的辉煌,我觉得那都是因为美国电影高高在上。依靠某个电影公司或者某个财团去追赶美国电影是不可能的,只有全社会发动所有人去发展自己**的电影产业,才有希望。b:i really can not predict how long the film will pop, the prosperity of a country's film industy cannot be depended on directors. the success of the film industry are usually facilitated by the integrated conditions, it ** often tied up with politics, finance, taxation, education, and many other related factors which are all inalienable. you mentioned the japanese films and hong kong films failed to sustain their brilliant, i think it ** because american films are supreme. relying on a film company or a consortium ** unlikely to catch up with the american film, only the entire society of all country w**h to develop their own film industry could we make it.关于“韩流”危机 现在的韩国电影确实受到了国内政权更替的影响about the cr**** of the "korean tide"korean film ** now affected by the impact of domestic regime turnover 新京报:你觉得目前韩国电影有没有潜在的危机?a: do you think the korean film has potential cr****?姜帝圭:韩国电影现在确实受到了国内政权更替的影响。韩国电影在金大中**时代受到了特别的支持,他为了培育韩国电影的发展制定了很多相应的措施,比如建立了电影投资资金等等,但是这个制度是五年一换的;现在五年过去了,也选举出了新的**,当应该再继续执行这个政策的时候,却处于瘫痪的状态。b: korean film now has influenced by the impact of domestic regime turnover. in kim dae-jung era, korean films received special support, he developed many corresponding measures, such as the establ**hment of a film investment funds, etc., but th** system ** different every five years; now five years has passed, we h**e also elected a new **, when come to implement th** policy, it lies down paralysed. 新京报:你刚才提到了电影配额制度,众所周知,韩国导演当年集体发起了著名的“光头运动”来推动这项制度的**。如果将来韩国电影因为受到政策的制约,你还会采取类似“非常规”的强硬的方式吗?a: you mentioned the film quota system, as ** well known, korea director in collective launched the famous "zero movement" to promote the introduction of th** system. if the korean films get constrained because of policy in the future, will you also take the similar "unconventional" tough manner? 姜帝圭:在当年的“光头运动”中,我是第一个剃光头的,如果韩国的电影环境因政权的更替、政策的变化而出现危机,我们导演一定会义无反顾地团结在一起!b:in the year of "negative campaign", i was the first one to h**e the haircut, if the film environmental emerges cr****, because of the turnover of regime,changeing in policies, and we directors will not certainly hesitate to unite as a whole!reporter zhang wenbai 20210311

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