
@Ta在关注伱 2024-06-17 14:16:09
high education shoulders the glorious m**sion of providing human resource support and talent contribution to the course of building up a harmonious society, realizing the final strategic goal in the three-step development approach as well as the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation, and investment and financing of colleges play an important role in china’s education development. with the accelerating reform of china’s economic system, significant changes are also taking places in china’s education field. as an important part of china’s education system, the investment and financing system of chinese colleges h**e witnessed substantial process in reform in recent years. after continuous exploration and practices in the last half century, the investment and financing system of chinese higher education institutions ** leaping forward from a planned-economy one to a scientific multi-sourced one. however, as china ** still on the initial stage of social**m and ** still a developing country, the investment and financing system of chinese colleges are still daunted by problems of insufficient f**cal input, imbalanced structure, limited financing channel, under-developed management as well as inefficient investment. if the reform in th** aspect should be stepped up to ensure expected results, then constructive and down-to-earth suggestions, with reference to experiences in developed countries, will be badly in need. th** ** will try to find the policies and solutions in addressing problems with investment and financing activities of chinese schools through analys** of the status quo, problems, achievements and underlying factors of the investment and financing in the higher education sector with reference to experienced in developed countries. the author suggests, according to the reform goals of the investment and financing of chinese schools, the current f**cal investment system regarding the higher education should be firstly reformed to increase f**cal input in the sector. secondly, channels for school financing should be broadened and colleges should be encouraged to ra**e capital from different sources to ensure steady capital supply for higher education. thirdly, the budget and cost control system of schools should be improved to improve the tuition collection system and to develop a scientific tuition system with reference to developed countries. fourthly, superv**ion and management on school capital use should be enhanced to improve capital efficiency and to adopt modern financial leverages in ra**ing capital. 20210311

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