
马晓翔MMC 2024-06-14 14:39:27
in order to reduce r**k, reduce bad debt losses, the need for corporate credit r**k analys** policy to ensure the recovery of accounts receivable. credit r**k analys** in business ** to provide customers with credit prior to the use of certain methods of the customer's credit quality analys** to determine their level of r**k in order to determine whether customers will be able to enjoy the commercial credit. the first step: to collect customer credit **rmation a direct investigation into the law, saying that companies under investigation and investigators access to customers through face-to-face interview and asked to watch, record **rmation such as access to credit a way. 2 investigation indirectly, through investigation of customers or other units of the original records related to accounting and **rmation processing in order to obtain useful **rmation on fin**hing. th** **rmation comes mainly from: the financial statements, credit rating agencies, banks, etc. the second step: analys** of the customer's credit 1 5c assessment of the law. the so-called 5c, ** the assessment of the customer's credit quality in five areas, namely, quality, capacity, capital, collateral and conditions. 2 credit assessment. it ** from the perspective of quantitative analys** to evaluate the customer's credit methods. using th** method, the first of a series of financial ratios and credit score indicators, and then proceed to the weighted **erage, customers arrive at a comprehensive credit score and credit in order to carry out the assessment. the third step: a credit dec**ion-making business-to-customer's credit evaluation to make, you can request of the customer's credit dec**ion-making. 20210311

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