论文摘要的 翻译!

Ww?? 2024-06-05 03:02:55
the credit assets ** the main assets of commercial banks in china, ** the commercial banks use fund, profit ** the main way of commercial banks, and maintain the good relationship with customers ** an important factor. credit r**k ** the main r**k of commercial banks in china, at present our country commercial bank credit r**k management level of credit r**k measurement ** still low, with qualitative, quantitative analys** of credit r**k assessment, rather than foreign still h**e a large gap, causes our country commercial bank credit assets quality **, in a certain extent increased bank non-performing assets. th** ** from the view of commercial banks, finance, financial and management knowledge, to hangzhou glass joint-stock company loans from financial accounting for example, d**cusses the establ**hment of financial index analys**, combining the financial factors analys** how to strengthen the commercial bank credit r**k control and management. expect to th** cause commercial bank management attention, establ**h and perfect the commercial bank credit r**k control measures.the main structure ** divided into three parts: the first part of commercial bank through the introduction to the theory of credit r**k management of commercial banks, reveals the importance of credit r**k management, and how to use quantitative analys** for commercial bank credit r**k analys**. the second part in hangzhou glass joint-stock company loans, for example, to hangzhou glass of stock company, financial and non-financial elements of credit r**k factors were analyzed, for credit r**k management provides sufficient and necessary for the quantitative bas**. the third part of the joint-stock company by hangzhou glass credit r**k analys** brings us enlightenment, a perfect commercial bank credit r**k management, some suggestions and measures. 20210311

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