bill gross是个对集邮和哲学都富有极度热情的人。2007年他向无国界医生组织捐赠了他拍卖英国集邮的收藏所得来的910万美元。他说他很高兴能帮“老朋友”做点好事。但是66岁的他对帮助自己在1971年合伙创立的太平证券管理公司(pimco)。这是世界上最大的证券公司之一,而且从2000年起获得了德国allianz...
are you investing in the right industry?does the term book-to-bill ratio sound familiar to you?do you know the demand and supply numbers of private condominiums...
试读结束,如需阅读或下载,请点击购买>原发布者:张传春 文献出2113处:comell b.,financial r**k control of mergers and acqu**itions[j].international review of business research **s,2014,7(2):57-69. (声明:本译文归百度文库5261所有,4102完整译文请到百度文库...
since 2008, the a stock market field presents a weak vibration to descend to run about power, especially in the near future, two cities slip in a row, a lot of stock prices of companies create continu...
abstract: international banking insurance development has experienced three important development stages: first of all establ**hment bank agency model, insurance company provided products, using banks...