2024-11-16 01:15:34
简介:亚能实业集团是一家从事led 照明、风能和太阳能应用的综合创新型企业,广州亚能能源科技有限公司是其全资子公司。亚能一直致力于打造知名的行业的品牌—anern。多年来,我们始终坚持:研发科技一体化、品牌产品专业化、经营管理模式化的企业理念。anern industry group ** a comprehensive innovative enterpr**e which ** specialized in r&d and manufacturing of led lighting, wind and solar power products and systems, as well as providing optimum customized technical solutions. guangzhou anern energy technology co.,ltd ** the subsidiary of anern group. the company owns its self-innovative brand "anern" which has establ**hed its well-known and good reputation in th** industry. over the years, anern ins**ts on combining the r&d with production, keeping efforts on making "anern"as an internationally recognized brand, and are continuously committed to become a leading company in renewable energy and led energy-s**ing lighting field.anern's value:"science & tech come from innovation", "quality achieves excellence"anern always keeps the faith and prom**e to "anern" brand, and are dedicated to integrating the up-to-date energy-s**ing technologies into products and blending the best service for clients into the high quality products, with aim at each client''''''''s sat**faction.法定代表人:李少杰成立日期:2009-09-25注册资本:100万元人民币所属地区:广东省统一社会信用代码:91440101695167439h经营状态:存续所属行业:科学研究和技术服务业公司类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)英文名:guangzhou anern energy technology co., ltd.人员规模:50-99人企业地址:广州市黄埔区光谱西路3号研发厂房101经营范围:工程和技术研究和试验发展;能源技术研究、技术开发服务;销售本公司生产的产品(**法律法规禁止经营的项目除外;涉及许可经营的产品需取得许可证后方可经营);太阳能源原动机制造;货物进出口(专营专控商品除外);技术进出口;生物质能源的技术研究、开发;电子产品批发;电子产品零售;灯用电器附件及其他照明器具制造;照明灯具制造(仅限分支机构经营);机电设备安装服务;节能技术开发服务;环保技术开发服务;(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 20210311