**翻译 汉译英

欧式皇.全屋整装 2024-06-20 23:12:26
china's l**ted companies from scratch, since the childhood, in their development road of each step, soak the securities market participants in portland and blood and sweat. by 2009, december 25, a-share l**ted companies were 1695, market capital**ation 23.51 reach a-shares trillion yuan. with the development of economy, the future will be more companies l**ted on the top of the l**t. but in recent 10 years, the company l**ted in the course of a large number of l**ted companies and the false account, one case was caused by exposure to the public. xerox, silver metal, oriental electronic... these names are not forgotten by investors, india, huayuan enron, sichuan changhong group and the financial fraud "** a word to be active. a series of l**ted company fraud case fully explain the l**ted company's financial frauds h**e not accidental or individual phenomenon, it has become one of china's securities market weakness.china securities market opening time ** not long, and the relevant system further to establ**h and perfect the l**ted company, financial fraud phenomenon seriously endangers securities market and our social**t market economy. due to the superv**ion and management system, financial fraud phenomenon ** insufficient in the certain time will also ex**t widely, including american that market economy fully developed securities market many-years-operated countries also h**e a l**ted company financial fraud, so the analys** method, the study of financial fraud prevention measures are necessary.through to the l**ted companies in china accounting **rmation cost analys** in recent years, the concept of combining the case and relevant authorities to survey data about the reference system, accounting fraud of l**ted company, finally the commonly used method in the securities market of accounting fraud of l**ted companies to control problems, in order to put forward some suggestions of financial frauds.问题补充最大限度的会计信息有用,成本的考量,提供它,需要选择不同的会计处理方法。这些选择将会更明智的成分,有助于更好的理解是“有用”的。信息的特点和质量进行这种说法的确是成分,使信息有用。它们,因此,气质的时候,是会计。他们就可以到一套标准进行选择。 20210311

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