2024-11-29 10:52:26
这是保险相关的缩写:aacsr - accredited customer service representativearm - associate in r**k managementarm-p - associate in r**k management for public entitiesasop - actuarial statement of practicebbap - business auto policybcbsa - blue cross and blue shield associationbi - bodily injurybop - business owners policyccfroi - cash flow return on investmentscr** - construction r**k and insurance special**tcic - certified insurance counselorc**r - certified insurance service representativecpcu - chartered property casualty underwritercpiw / cpim - certified professional insurance woman / manccc - care, custody, or control (exclusion)cobra - consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation actdd&b - dun & bradstreetdec - declarations pageded - deductibledi - d**ability incomedic - difference-in-conditions (insurance)dil - difference-in-limits (clause)d&o - directors and officers (liability insurance)dsu - delay in start-up insurancedob - date of birthdoc - drive other car coveragedod - date of deatheeap - estimated annual premiumebidda - earnings before interest, dividends, depreciation, and amortizationeh&s - environmental health and safetyep - earned premiumepa - environmental protection agencyepd - expected policyholder deficitepl - employment practices liabilityepli - employment practices liability insuranceetb - engaged in trade or businessffair - fair access to insurance requirements** - fellow of the academy of life underwritingfcas - fellow of the casualty actuarial societyfap - family automobile policy (more commonly pap)fcpl - farmers comprehensive personal liabilityfcra - fair credit reporting actfirm - flood insurance rate mapfirrea - financial institutions reform recovery and enforcement actfmv - air market valueftcac - fire, theft, and combined additional coveragefvd - full value declaredggap - guaranteed auto protection** - guaranteed cost d**countgio - guaranteed insurability optiongkll - garagekeepers legal liability (insurance)gl - general liabilitygvw - gross vehicle weightgwp - gross written premiumhhiaa - health insurance association of americahii - health insurance institutehipaa - health insurance portability and accountability acthldi - highway loss data institutehlv - human life valuehcqia - health care quality improvement acthpl - hospital professional liability (insurance)hpr - highly protected r**k (property)iiahu - international association of health underwritersifc - insured fixed-price cleanupiiaa - independent insurance agents of america, inc.iiac - international insurance adv**ory counciliihs - insurance institute for highway safetyiii - insurance **rmation instituteiri - industrial r**k insurersir** - insurance regulatory **rmation systemirm - improved r**k mutualsiti - insurance testing institutejjcah - joint comm**sion on the accreditation of hospitalsjcaho - joint comm**sion on accreditation of healthcare organizationsjsa - job safety analys**jua - joint underwriting authority; joint underwriting associationjv - joint venturellae - loss adjustment expenseliaa - life insurance association of americaliama - life insurance agency management associationlirb - liability insurance research bureaullc - limited liability companylmu - loss mitigation underwritingloc - letter of creditlta - lost time accident; long term agreementltd - long-term d**abilitymmco - managed care organizationm&d - minimum and deposi**o - monthly debit ordinary life insurancemdrt - million dollar round tablemet - multiple employer trustmfl - maximum foreseeable lossmle - maximum loss expectancymlea - multiple line exclusive agentmpci - multi-peril crop insurancempl - maximum possible lossmpp - managed premium planmvr - motor vehicle recordnnaua - national auto underwriters associatio**i - national d**aster insurance associationnfip - national flood insurance programnfira - national flood reform actnfpa - national fire protection associationniosh - national institute for occupational safety and healthnrra - national r**k retention associationnrt - national response teamnsc - national safety councilooca - outstanding claims accountocip - owner controlled insurance programod - occupational d**easeol&t - owners, landlords, and tenants (insurance)orfs - operational r**k financing securitiesorm - operational r**k managementosha - occupational safety and health act; occupational safety and health admin**trationoslr - outstanding loss reservesotc - other than coll**ionppap - personal auto policyp&c - property and casualtypc - professional corporationp&i - protection and indemnity (insurance)pi - personal injurypia - primary insurance accountpiaa - physician insurers association of americapica - professional insurance communicators of americapip - personal injury protectionpma - package modification adjustmentpmf - package modification factorpmi - private mortgage insurancepml - probable maximum lossrraa - reinsurance association of americaram - reverse-annuity mortgageraroc - r**k-adjusted return on capitalrarorac - r**k-adjusted return on r**k-adjusted capitalrbc - r**k-based capitalrbne - reserved but not enoughrc - replacement costrtw - return to workssaa - surety association of americascope - superv**ion, construction, occupancy, protection, exposurescpcu - society of chartered property & casualty underwriterssec - securities and exchange comm**sionsemci - single entry multiple carrier interfaces&p - standard and poor'sspap - special personal auto policystd - short-term d**abilityttdb - temporary d**ability benefitstdi - trade d**ruption insurancetefra - tax equity and financial responsibility acts of 1982 & 1983teri - targeted enterpr**e r**k insurancetiaa - teachers insurance and annuity associationtoli - trust-owned life insurancetor - technique of operations reviewtpa - third-party admin**tratortra - tax reform act of 1984tria - terror**m r**k insurance actttd - temporary total d**abilityuuep - unearned premiumujf - unsat**fied judgment funduim - underinsured motor**tuimv - underinsured motor vehicleul - umbrella liability; underwriters' laboratoriesulae - unallocated loss adjustment expensesulc - underwriters laboratories of canadaum - uninsured motor**tumpd - uninsured motor**t property damageumv - uninsured motor vehicleunl - ultimate net lossu&o - use and occupancywwc - workers compensationwcri - workers compensation research instituteyyrct - yearly renewable convertible termyrt - yearly renewable term 20210311