
欢子 2024-06-25 14:05:54
hello i am your father you qindie your beauty, who's qindie en the time to see the letter you mt be very curio when the father ** written very cattle than to tell you ** your father 23 years to write that your mother did t even had never been seen sudden mood cramps dec**ion to write a few words and commitments are maybe you read will say give me poi for my father died it first of all i mt say that in fact you could almost do t appear in t world because you father a child i had both from the want to only want one child later rewned for their children on the nausea but i your mother your father fell down then you also know that men love to do whatever they want one so in a very good day for me and your mother would let an a because i love you mom because your did not think the two had a child far from complete so put out your jinong for your father abandoned the tsingtao brewery for your father ignored wuliangye for your father to give up all the junk food ** defined as house of love to your father like nothing so fearful of your mother you say their youth a time when men suddenly so easy to do there are easy to do your mother first of all, h**e to be adjusted v**ually second, be prepared mentally to take on more exhausting matter another thing ** to e the bullet physiological so to you and me and your mother did not suffer a little less ** not easy do not think we deserve it right after hello do not think that after everything has been taken for granted after that we love you very much you h**e to love our five remaining fifth of the conscience of a kid looking at you i think you'll see your mother and love by i think you will see your grandfather and your grandmother at that time ** not easy i think you'll see your mother and father like a child has told you how cute for the love of your father a little bit self**h ** to let you play world of warcraft your father has three or four years i played wow also had not won the down which fwq that ** because your mother just wanted me to h**e interest i simply hooked up after the little girl to make you a more convenient point so long good to see some girl will be the men to faint world of warcraft of course, if you swear not to force you do not learn to ignore you up to a few days there hope you love sports basketball football tenn** ball with you all happy male students during the sport ** catch the wind i hope you are man of the hour on campus captured the hearts of a woman so i told them to bribe their children with chinese so your mother can tell you all right downstairs volleyball court fight in the next two of course i passed the time you h**e to give the ball to your mother so i can hold you mom, wife and you zhenshuai dear mother of a comeback you go home d**** would like you to love learning, but not nerds do not tell me about i only love to learn i just want to read i will strangle you may one excited what ** the first and second grades do not h**e to pre-50 almost on the line t thing depends on your own as long as you feel no loss if you think t ** your ability to the love th** proposal ** the father if you think you can assume the responsibility of all you love how casually tossing but i want to tell you that every girl deserves to be treasured do not casually playing with the feelings of any per please remember to carry condoms another thing ** if you happen to fall in love with a gay father soon as you notice children if that per ** you really love me and your mother will not stop for the friend to accompany you to remember your buddy oldest group of people may be young when you cross the so-called bad friends but remember there ** no absolute good or bad in th** world who are worthy of any place where you learn righteousness of these men to assume responsibility as you remember dad would rather h**e a buddy to the gun to the son of board child do not want a cold-blooded ruthless d**tingu**hed only for their own people however, if you ya really ran off the squat the i killed you the deal ** off pumping hope you are a real man ** a man with feelings of true feminine men are the fart ** not it about your future father will not beg you to i hope you do the thing you really want to do if you want a good bag and tr**eled the world go each young blood all h**e those impulses older people would call it blind but i do not want to as you get older, when there are so many youth do not regret the things done if not stolen chihepiaodu pumping kengmengguaipian some say the most evil place in life ** only young once th** also happens to be the best place in life only thus can we learn to cher**h and uphold the i do not need you to support your mother and let you own your own business ** to allow you to take your family h**ing said that we should put on a very serious **sue that ** 10 million do not tell me you married and living with your mother please, let us harmony through life bar if you h**e children too do not throw us a each week, we both play with over two days nothing your mother and i could go out and play go tr**el for which short for both the old man over woman niwainiwai it to tell you the feelings of the combs remember that pure love and love alone share of emotion will not last long communication and tolerance, trust ** the most important difficult to understand if you do not take the initiative to try to communicate empathy you trust your spouse not doubt you do not respect your lover for granted that the other party should be good for you do not always self-righteous to test each other do not think you necessarily understand each other because everyone ** not a king i was born to know everything about life th** ** a wonderful topic not the same as everyone's way of life but they followed a guideline that conscience more casual you live you live worthy of their own do not graduate from college told me that the father i did not hold engl**h 4 you love to take you as long as schools do not get diplomas whoops remember that your father loves to play you h**e to earn a point card to my impulse buy but not use the g remember that your father loves your mother do all right-minded baji united front with me with your mother because you iron lose upr**ing remember that i love you, love you so much from you in my life that moment h**e to remember when shopping was after i heard h** arm did not h**e to call my brother as for your wife brought home to me and look at your mother standard ** probably the ideal daughter-in-law all in the able-bodied features of normal mental but you dare get back to my daughter i am a non-mainstream you can t**i do not blame father does not open because you do not want to see the father in front of a cottage swinging version of panda tired does not say you're still a little hungry, not looking to cry do not cry your father who loves th** move ** not a year for two years the mind has no regrets you only want to love you if you move your pet hello do not always go out that i am your father i'm afraid of those kids too envy and flex your readily in essay writing a word of th** on mom and dad are my biggest weakness, if they le**e my world would collapse instantly later, following up the sentence to be your grandfather parents until the day your child your child the world ** your if they le**e the world you will instantly collapse i love you big baby son i also love your mother till death do us i love you with an order to play a grandmother grandpa grandparents i also love the people's republic of china steadfast world peace amen allah bless buddha you desp**e cool incomparable flair peerless pro qindie all non-mainstream books date and time your search go 20210311

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