catch up和catch up with有什么区别么

小娱儿娱乐 2024-06-24 11:23:27
catch up 1.赶上 2.产生料到的坏影响),造成(意料中的坏结 3.逮捕人),发现(或查明)(以便处罚或逮 例句:1.must run some to catch up 必须快跑才能赶上 2.she couldn't go to school for a few weeks because of an illness,but she'll be able to catch up with her lessons quickly.她因病有几周不能上学,但是她很快就能补上落下的课.3.he's doing extra work to catch up with the rest of the class.为了赶上班里的其他同学,他做了很多额外的功课.4.after the exams,i need to catch up on my sleep.考完试以后,我要补觉.i need to catch up on laundry today.catch up with 1.vt fus (walking,driving,in standard) 赶上 the law caught up with him yesterday 昨天警方发现他做了违法的事 h** past caught up with him 他的过去阴影不散 例句:1.she couldn't go to school for a few weeks because of an illness,but she'll be able to catch up with her lessons quickly.她因病有几周不能上学,但是她很快就能补上落下的课.2.he's doing extra work to catch up with the rest of the class.为了赶上班里的其他同学,他做了很多额外的功课.3.i can feel the pressure of the last few months beginning to catch up with me.我感到这几个月来的工作压力已经让我体力不支了.4.i'll catch up with you again in a few minutes.几分钟以后我就会再次赶上你.5.can i catch up with the material or ** it too late?我能再对材料做一下补充吗,是不是太晚了? 20210311

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    put up的意思:举起;建造;搭起;设立;张贴;挂起;进行(抵抗);支付,提供(资金);提高(价格);留宿;为…安排住处;提名…为候选人;参加竞选。put up读音:英[p...
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    go up 1.=r**e升起*the smoke went up.烟串上来了*many people came to watch the balloon go up多人来看汽球升空。2.=r**e;increase;improve(物价)上涨;提高;增加*butter's going up again next week.奶油下星期又要涨价了。*prices of fruit and ...
  • catch up什么意思
    • 2024-06-24 13:28:27
    • 提问者: 未知
    catch up的意思是赶上;把…缠住。词汇分析音标:英['kætʃʌp] 释义:赶上;把…缠住;追上 短语catch-up service 追看服务 catch-up immunization 初始强化免疫 internet catch-up 要的互联网节目重温 catch-up contribution 追加缴费 catch-up ways 追赶路径 拓展资料 1、the thief ...

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