意思是:非居住<住宅>固定投资。例句: fixed investment in residential structures 居住用建筑物的固定投资额 china year of innovation peng equity fund(lof)11 on 10 for the date of purchase and business fixed investment. 鹏华盛世创新股票型基金(lof)11月10日起办理申购、赎回和定投业务。... 20210311
the new york times 5月4日题为 as china invests, u.s. could lose中有这样一段话:but china ** still a relatively small player in overseas direct investments, which include purchases of large, voting stakes in forei...
¥是人民币符号,人民币的货币符号就是y上两横,书写顺序为:先写大写字母“y”,再在竖划上加上二横,即为“¥”,读音为:yuán(音:元)。是美元的简称美元(united states dollar)俗称美金,是美国的货币,货币符号为usd。扩展资料 1、历史由来 “¥”既作为人民币的书写符号,又代表...