
王家肉肉农场(评论里留言优先回赞 2024-06-23 21:26:02
qingyang ** a fantastic high tianhou soil. qingyang homeland ** located in northwest china, shaanxi, gansu and ningxia provinces intersection, the city's total land area of 27,119 square kilometers, with a total population of 2,560,000, xiaman central county, huachi, qing city, the town of valley, county, ** nanjing, seven heshui county and xifeng. southern low-lying north high, at an elevation of 885 meters and 2082 meters between. shan, sichuan, both plateau, trenches, mao, liang-white, features powerful unique plateau. throughout there ** 10 million mu more than 12 large plateau, with an area of 382 mu. mr tung chi-original pingchou, an oas**, there ** 13,627 acres, ** the world's largest and the thickest layer, s**e the most complete loess original face, called "the first original loess world." ziwuling the more than 400 million mu of secondary forest, on the loess plateau of china's largest and best water conservation vegetation in forests, there ** a "natural reservoir" of. state road 211, highway 202 runs through the two main north-south route. state road 309, highway 303 crosses the east-west line, which constitute the "two vertical two horizontal" the main backbone of the road. electricity, communications and radio and telev**ion coverage throughout the three major networks.庆阳是一块神奇的高天厚土。庆阳地处祖国大西北、陕甘宁三省的交会处,全市总土地面积27119平方公里,总人口256万,辖环县、华池、庆城、镇原、宁县、正宁、合水七县和西峰区。地势南低北高,海拔在885米与2082米之间。山、川、塬兼有,沟、峁、梁相间,高原风貌雄浑独特。全境有10万亩以上大塬12条,面积382万亩。董志原平畴沃野,一望无垠,有13627亩,是世界上面积最大、土层最厚、保存最完整的黄土原面,堪称“天下黄土第一原”。子午岭的400多万亩次生林,为**黄土高原上面积最大、植被最好的水源涵养林,有“天然水库”之称。国道211、省道202两条主干线纵贯南北。国道309、省道303线横穿东西,构成“两纵两横”公路主骨架。供电、通讯和广播电视三大网络覆盖全境。 20210311

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