平面设计专业排名前15名:1.rhode **land school of design (providence, ri )2.cranbrook academy of art( bloomfield hills, mi) 2.yale university (new h**en, ct) 4.virginia commonwealth university (richmond, va )5.carnegie mellon university (pitt**urgh , pa) 6.maryland institute college of art( baltimore, md )6.school of v**ual arts (new york, ny) 8.california institute of the arts (valencia, ca )9.pratt institute (brooklyn, ny )10.california college of the arts (san franc**co, ca) 11.school of the art institute of chicago (chicago, il )12.new school--parsons school of design (new york, ny )12.rochester institute of technology (rochester, ny )12.university of cincinnati( cincinnati, oh )15.minneapol** college of art and design (minneapol**, mn)耶鲁的设计全美第一,每年去的**学生不超过一个不过得看你想学哪方面了,平面所学的太广泛了英国也不错,就是很贵~ 20210311