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2024-11-05 16:43:08
简上海国富投资管理有限公司2007年4月注册成注册资本1000万元人。国富投资(capitaledge)充分利用各种社会资源,吸收和引进全球领先金融机构在国际市场上的成熟经验和技术。公司致力于结合国内市场的实际需求,建立科学合理并具个性特色的产品开发体系、投资研究体系和风险管理体系,从体制上保障投资收益的稳定持续增长。公司的管理和研发团队主要由具有海外学习和工作背景的人士组成。业务范围包括:设计专业投资方案,委托专业机构发起和设立基金、信托计划等;针对多种资产类别,如股票,债券,基金,上市前股权,期权,期货等金融产品进行组合投资咨询服务;评估新兴产业,新型公司,进行风险投资咨询服务。核心价值观o 超出客户的期望,永不止步o 专业:在自己的领域做到绝对的卓越o 诚实和正直o 尊重和鼓励每个人的能力和创造力国富投资热忱邀请有志之士共同谱写美好的明天,更多信息在:about our companycapitaledge investment management co., ltd was formally reg**tered with a rmb 10 million reg**tered capital in shanghai in april 2007. our company fully utilizes various resources through the absorption and adaption of the rich experience and mature technology from the world’s leading financial institutions in the international market. combined with the actual needs of domestic market, we aim to establ**h a set of scientific and unique systems for product development, investment and r**k management to ensure a stable and sustainable investment return. the company ** managed by a group of professionals who h**e overseas educational background and wo**ng experience. our business scope includes: designing investment solutions; launching fund and trust plans through professional bodies; providing portfolio investment adv**ory services for various assets, e.g. stocks, bonds, funds, pre-ipo shares, options, futures and other financial products; assessing emerging industries and companies, and providing adv**ory services for venture capital.core valueo non-stop, always go beyond client’s expectation;o professional, super excellence in the field;o integrity and fidelity;o respect and encourage everyone’s capacity and creativity法定代表人:陈海峰成立日期:2007-04-29注册资本:1000万元人民币所属地区:上海市统一社会信用代码:91310109798963200d经营状态:存续(在营、开业、在册)所属行业:租赁和商务服务业公司类型:有限责任公司(自然人独资)人员规模:100-500人企业地址:上海市虹口区沽源路110弄15号208-98室经营范围:投资管理,资产管理。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 20210311