
大众点评结婚指南 2024-06-05 20:51:01
实在是没事干,看到练习四做到练习四,就看不下去了,给你这么多,剩下的让大侠们来帮你吧!account类public class account { private long id; private int password; private string name; private string personid; private string email; private double balance; public account(){ } public long getid() { return id; } public void setid(long id) { th**.id = id; } public int getpassword() { return password; } public void setpassword(int password) { th**.password = password; } public string getname() { return name; } public void setname(string name) { th**.name = name; } public string getpersonid() { return personid; } public void setpersonid(string personid) { th**.personid = personid; } public string getemail() { return email; } public void setemail(string email) { th**.email = email; } public double getbalance() { return balance; } public void setbalance(double balance) { th**.balance = balance; } public account(long id,int password,string name,string personid,string email,double balance){ th**.id = id; th**.password = password; th**.name = name; th**.personid =personid; th**.email =email; th**.balance = balance; } public void deposit(double money){ th**.balance = balance + money; } public void withdraw(double money){ th**.balance = balance - money; }}储蓄类public class s**ingaccount extends account { public s**ingaccount(){ super(); } public s**ingaccount(long id,int password,string name,string personid,string email,double balance){ super.setbalance(balance); super.setemail(email); super.setid(id); super.setname(name); super.setpassword(password); super.setpersonid(personid); } @override public void withdraw(double money) { if(money<=super.getbalance()){ super.withdraw(money); } }}信用类public class creditaccount extends account { private double ceiling; public double getceiling() { return ceiling; } public void setceiling(double ceiling) { th**.ceiling = ceiling; } public creditaccount(){ super(); } public creditaccount(long id,int password,string name,string personid,string email,double balance,double ceiling){ super.setbalance(balance); super.setemail(email); super.setid(id); super.setname(name); super.setpassword(password); super.setpersonid(personid); th**.ceiling = ceiling; } @override public void withdraw(double money) { if(money>super.getbalance()){ if(th**.ceiling>=(money-super.getbalance())){ super.setbalance((th**.ceiling+super.getbalance()-money)*-1); } }else{ super.withdraw(money); } }}银行类public class bank { private int accountnum; private account[] account; public int getaccountnum() { return accountnum; } public void setaccountnum(int accountnum) { th**.accountnum = accountnum; } public account[] getaccount() { return account; } public void setaccount(account[] account) { th**.account = account; } public account openaccount(long id,int password,string name,string personid,string email,double balance){ account acc = new account(id,password,name,personid,email,balance); return acc; } public account login(long id,int password){ for(int i=0;i

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    • 提问者: 未知
    自动交易 收益很难保证 基本上就是在帮期货公司刷手续费 你的亏损就是来自于手续费!
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    • 提问者: 未知
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    • 提问者: 未知
    好像写过了。下载最新的5分钟数据,选股周期设为5分钟进行选股。ma(c,5)>ref(ma(c,5),1) and ma(c,10)>ref(ma(c,10),1) and ma(c,20)>ref(ma(c,20),1) and ma(c,30)>ref(ma(c,30),1) and ma(c,40)>ref(ma(c,40),1) and ma(c,50)>...
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    方法一:private sub command1_click() form1.cls dim i1 as integer, i2 as integer, i3 as integer, i4 as integer, i5 as integer dim cl**t as string for i1 = 65 to 70 for i2 = i1 + 1 to 70 ...
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  • 请帮忙用财务指标编写选股公式
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    • 提问者: 未知
    a:=finance(18)>2;b:=finance(32)>1;d:=finance(33)/finance(34);a and b and d>0.08 and ref(d,1)>0.08 and ref(d,2)>0.08;
  • 哪些是 用c语言 编写的程序
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    • 提问者: 未知
    cobol(common business oriented language)—是数据处理领域最为广泛的程序设计语言。cobol历史 cobol(common business oriented language)是第一个广泛使用的高级编程语言。在企业管理中,...

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