因为银行预计明年美元与rmb 的汇率将可能变成6.05左右,如果美元会持续贬值,这样不易于我们出口。所以我只能维持上次报的价格给你们 as bank estimates that the exchange rate of usd over rmb ** going to be 6.05 or so the next year.if usd continues to be depreciate like th**,which... 20210311
grameen bank created by econom**t, muhammad yunus, effectively changed the poverty situation of bangladesh countryside by providing peasants with small loan. through development for more than 30 years...
看你的语气相对不是那么正式,应该也无须太讲究格式什么的,那就这么吧: i need some help from you. as the company ** making changes on the legal representative from the investors and the scope of business,i need you to get the attached d...
题目:我国上市商业银行分析analys** for the profitabilities of the domestic l**ted commercial banks in china【内容摘要】商业银行具有一般企业的特点,都是以盈利为目的,因此是上市商业银行生存和发展的的关键。[abstract]commercial banks are profit driven enterpr**es l...
农村合作金融作为我国农村金融的基础,在支持农业、农民、农村经济的发展中起着十分重要的作用,我国以农村信用社为主要形式的农村合作金融在为促进农村经济增长、支持农业发展和提高农民生活水平做出积极贡献的同时,也出现了偏离合作金融等种种问题。 as our country rural cooperative finance in rural financial foundation, support of...